Chapter 11

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We arrive just before the doors of the Lizard Demon dungeon. I step out of the portal beside Dexter and pull out my two swords. "We goin in?"

He nods his head. "Yes, this is where Max is being held. There's no doubt about it."

A smile creeps on my face. "My prey is in there... are you ready for this, Dexter?"

Dexter nods his head. He clinches his fist as his shape starts to change. His face gives away that he's in pain, but he doesn't make a sound. I stare at Dexter as he changes into a monster, then rest on all fours. Even then he was still a couple feet taller than me. His fur was still white, unlike the rest of his kind, whose fur turns black in this form. His form was like a werewolf but it was more beast. No one would ever think this thing could ever be a human.

I tighten my grip on my swords letting my ears and tail flow out, while my body became covered in jet black fur. My bones shifted ever so slightly to give me more flexibility, it made my job so much easier. I slipped out of my human clothes and admired the way my fur shined in the dim light.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" I ask Dexter.

"The plan is to get Max out." He smirks at me. "Whoever gets to him first can take him," He glared down at me with black eyes. "Up for the challenge?"

"I'm always up for a challenge. Let's go then, break that door down!"

I cheer Dexter on as he backs up to get a running start for the door. The door shattered into pieces almost as soon as Dexter touched it. A silent alarm went off and it rang in my ears. I run over to Dexter and see that he's bothered by the noise too. "Dexter... I'm going in, you better take care of that noise!"

"Why don't you take care of it yourself?" He growled at me before getting up and rushing off.

I sigh before heading down the opposite hallway. I could faintly hear the stomping of heavy feet and the clanking of metal against metal as the lizard guards rushed down the hallway, over the alarm. Great just what I needed. I look up at the ceiling and see that there was wooden rafters. I crouch down and brace myself for the jump. I misjudged how far up the ceiling was and almost hit my head on the stones. Barely missing the stone, I land gracefully on one of the wooden pillars.

I watch in amusement as they stumbled over each other in their hurry to see what's happening. After they've passed under me I start hopping across the pillars until I get to a wall. I slip down to the floor and take a look around. The hallway behind me was empty. The door before me seem to lead to a dungeon, with a smaller door next to it.

I put away one of my swords to put my paw against the wall. I close my eyes and listen carefully to the wall as I move my paw across it. Found it! I dig my claws in between two stones and pull out one of them revealing the hidden keys I swipe them before the stone slides shut and make a clunking noise. I perk my ears to make sure no one heard me and was coming to investigate. Silence. I smile at myself as I put the key into the door and open it.

It makes a loud click then creaks open slowly. I wince at the loud sound then look back and hear metal clanking. I slip behind the door out of sight as one of the lizard guards comes into view.

It shuffles its way down the hall and closes the door, then leaves the way it came. I peer around the pitch black room I'd been shut in. I narrow my eyes and see that there were prison cells lining the walls on either side.

I pull out my other sword as I start to silently tiptoe my way down the hall. I started to faintly smell Max's scent by time I was halfway down the hall. I quicken my pace to where I was practically running, then can to a dead stop right before the last cell. Max's scent was pouring out of it meaning he must be in there.

I put one of my swords in my mouth to unlock the cell door. It barely made a sound when I turned the key and the door slowly swung open. I take the sword from my mouth before entering the cell.

The first thing I noticed was the blood.

And Max.

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