Chapter 8

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A group of lizard demons look down from their ledge. "Dexter, the time has come. We are ready to take the boy."

I try to scream out but discover I have a sock stuffed in my mouth. They all turn and disappear from sight. I try to go after them only to be stopped by chains around my wrist and ankles.

The room went completely dark, save a light above my head. A Crystal ball floated to my field of vision. There was a splash of color before the images became clear. It was Max, walking alone down the sidewalk. No one was around him, and he was completely defenceless. They came fast. Before Max even realized they were there, the group of demons took him and disappeared.

the ball faded to a soft glow. It the flickered with color and an image became clear once again. It was Max again, but this time he was beaten and tied up. I want to try and see it better and realize i was looking straight at him through the crystal ball.

It faded away and I was face to face with Max. He had blood trickling down his face from a gash on his head, his lip was busted, and he had a black eye. I reach out to him....


I jolt awake from my nightmare with sweat dripping down my face. I grabbed Max's shoulder and shook him awake. He looked at me with a groggy expression. "Whaa...?" He grumbled.

I sighed with relief. It was just a dream after all. "Nothing, go back to sleep." He nodded his head before drifting off again. I maneuver my way over Max and make my way downstairs. As I enter the kitchen I see that Madre was sitting at the dining room table. "What are you doing up so late, Dexter?" She asked as I walked past her.

I reach for a cup from the drainboard. "I could ask the same about you."

She sighed. "How did a low level dog like you, ever get stuck with a guard job like this one?"

I get the milk out of the fridge and pour a glass before answering. "I was doing an impersonation job, and it seems I picked the wrong demon."

She leaned her chin on her hand. "Really, sounds like you have some really bad luck."

I scuff at her, gulping down my milk. "Yeah, got me stuck in this lousy dimension."

A smirk crept across her lips. "Sounds like you never even wanted to come to the human realm."

"I never thought I would in my whole life, but look at me now... a guard dog to the most powerful boy in existence...."

She chuckled at that. "What an excellent choice of words."

"Whatever, I'm going back to bed."

I put the glass in the sink before walking to the stairs. "You love him, don't you Dexter?" Madre called from the kitchen. I paused before grabbing the rail. I let out a sigh. "I'm not suppose to...."

Without another word. I climb the stairs to Max's room. I walk in and Max is on the floor as usual. I pick him up and put him back in bed. His opens his eyes slightly. "Dexter? I thought you were asleep, what are you doing awake?" He asks sleepily.

I pull the blanket over him. "Don't worry about it, you're just dreaming."

He smiles. "Oh, yeah... I forgot."

I lean down and kiss his forehead. "It's okay, just close your eyes and go back to sleep.... I love you Maxwell."

He closes his eyes. "I love you too Dexter." He says before going back to sleep.

I kiss him on the forehead once more before getting back in bed... as Rex.

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