Chapter 3

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Dexter and I somehow managed to clean all the 'blood' off the walls of the kitchen/living room and still got the chores done before my Mom got home.

I was laying on the couch and Dexter was spread out on the floor when Mom walked in. She waltzed in like normal; taking her shoes off at the door, setting her bag on the counter, coming into to the living room to greet me. After she hugged me she stopped to stare at the pile of clothes next to Dexter, who was in his dog form. "Max, your dirty clothes go in the haper not on the floor." Mom scolded. She patted Dexter on the head and then continued to her room.

Once she was out of earshot I glared at Dexter. "I thought you said you needed to tell my Mom what happened, why didn't you?"

Dexter shook his head. "Not that one, your other Mom, Madre. You know, the one you never see anymore. Sorry about not being clear, but I get confused."

I shrug my shoulders. "Yeah, I know I get confused sometimes to. Wait, why do you need to talk to Madre?"

Dexter tilted his head. "When did we start calling her Madre?"

"When they broke up, so that it was less confusing for us. Hey! Stop changing the subject all the time, why do you need to talk to her?"

Dexter sighed. "She is actually semi, part demon."

"What?! Really?! But she seems just so normal!" I blurt out.

Dexter hopped over to me and practically puts his paws in my mouth. "Ahh! Not so loud!" He said in a hushed voice. "Don't forget your Mom that's here doesn't know anything. Now let's go to your room." Dexter suggests quietly.

I nodded my head in agreement. He slowly moved his paws away and started for my room. I followed quietly behind.

Dexter angrily waited for me to open the door. As soon as I opened it Dexter waited for me to go in before he followed.

I sat down on my bed. When I looked back at Dexter he was in his human form. I turned away once I realized all he was wearing was his underwear. I know we've know each other for almost as long as I've been alive, but it's still awkward to see another guy practically naked.

Dexter realizes what I did and throws himself on me, Wrapping his arms around me and getting real close to my face. "I saw you blushing, you have a crush on me or somethin?"

I abruptly push him away. "You know I don't swing that way. I do have a girlfriend and all." I saw Dexter slightly cringed when I mentioned Sariah.

"What, what's the matter with Sariah?" I ask frantically.

Dexter scratches the back of his head and smiles at me as he answers. "Oh, it's nothing, I'm sure it won't affect you in any way." He chuckles nervously.

I don't feel assured at all, but I'll probably find that out soon enough. So I just drop the subject all together and sit down in my desk chair. "So about Madre?" I ask.

Dexter nods and walks to my dresser. "Okay, so your Madre, can we just use her name?" He pulls out a pair of pants and puts them on.

I don't know her real name so I just say. "Yeah go ahead."

Dexter turns around and smirks at me. "First, tell me what her name is."

I snap my fingers. "Aw man, so close. Almost knew it."

His eyes widen slightly. "You don't know either? I would've thought you'd of known."

"Wait. You don't know madre's real name. Dexter Allen doesn't know something. Lets just soak that in for a second." I get punched in the arm. "I'm just kidding with you." I assure him.

Dexter jumps up and sits on the dresser. "Oh well, so I'll just continue. Madre is only a third demon. See her Mom was human her dad was half. When I was a puppy and just showed up at your doorstep, your Mom took me in. Madre was a little hesitant, and must have realized something was up. So when she was finally alone with me she kept asking me so many questions until I slipped up and answered one. So one thing lead to another and here we are now." Dexter hopped of the dresser once he was done.

I sat there pondering what Dexter had just told me while he dug through my closet again. I leaned forward in my chair and rested my chin on my fist. "So... I don't know whether to believe anything you've told me or not. I'm also taking into consideration that monster thing I saw earlier, and also all the blood I had to clean up. Still this only feels like a dream."

Dexter sighed then pulled out a shirt from the closet and put it on. "I'm just gonna leave it all up to you whether you want to believe it or not, but sooner or later you won't have to question it."

That last part seemed very ominous to me. "So, what now."

"We go greet your madre that is at the door."

Baffled I ask, "How do you know that."

Dexter chuckled. "Do you not remember I told you I was a dog demon. I could hear the car pull into the driveway, and smell madre's strong perfume."

We both head downstairs. Dexter in his human form. "Hey, Dexter, my Mom doesn't know you're here. Don't you think you should be Rex?" I whispered to him as we neared the bottom of the stairs.

Dexter groaned and quickly took of his pants and shirt he had just put on. He hands me the clothes. "Carry these for me." He gets down on all four and turns into Rex.

I continued walking to the front door with Dexter following close behind. Right when we got to the door the doorbell sounded. I wait a couple seconds then opened the door. Madre was standing there with her suitcase. Her dark hair was up in a bun, she had on a business suit with high heels. She looked more like she was just coming home from the office.

"Sweetie!" She exclaimed while hugging me. "Its so good to see you again!"

I hugged her back. "Its good to see you too, I missed you."

She let go of me and headed inside, taking her shoes off at the door. I shut the door then headed to the living room with madre leading. We sat down on the couch and Dexter sat in front of us.

"Madre," Dexter whispered. "We have a situation."

Madre looked down at him very seriously. "What happened. And why are you talking in front of Maxwell?"

Dexter explained very briefly what had happened. Madre's expression went dead serious as she listened intently. I just sat back and listened to what Dexter had to say, while going through the events in my head.

After he was done Madre turned to me. "Maxwell, the seal on your powers is weakening. That means that more and more demons will come after you now." She grabbed my hands and held them tightly. "We need to start working with your powers soft that you can defend yourself, but Dexter and I will be here with you...." She stroked my cheek. "So, what I'm saying is that it'd be best if you would move in with me."

I stare at Madre, stunned. How could she just say that out of the blue like that. It had been her that said I could choose who I wanted to live with in the first place. And now she's basically telling me to drop everything and just move somewhere completely different? I am just so utterly confused right now.

Her expression went soft. "Oh but sweetie, I'm not trying to force you to do anything, I'm just trying to tell you what would be the best way to go about this. If you don't like it I can think of another way...."

I looked into her deep blue eyes. It was as if they were an ocean, swiping me up in their waves. I couldn't just tell her no, she'd be upset, but I couldn't just up and leave the only life I know.

What an impossible choice....

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