Chapter 12

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I race down the hall, lizard guards close behind me. I know I'm going the wrong way, that was the only way to make sure Sariah would go to Max. I can feel his powers being drained away....

She's the only one who can bring his powers back now, at least I hope she can before they're gone for good. It won't turn out well if they succeed in draining all of his powers... it will most likely mean the end of humanity.

I stop abruptly, making several swords pierce my skin. I swing my arm back and wipe away a group of them. I slam my first on the ground to make the floor shake, causing several of the other guards to fall as well.

They quickly recover and are after me again. I swing and claw and bite, until there is a mound of bodies blocking the hall.

My stomach dropped as I heard the unmistakable sound of a sword being drawn. I look behind me just as I feel the sword go through my chest.

I am met with the cold stare of Darius as I slip into my human form and fall to the floor.

He stands over me with a smirk across his lips. "The almighty Dexter, has finally been put in his place...."



I rushed over to Max, putting away my swords. I brush the hair out of his face to see that his eyes are closed and his face is peaceful. Panic arose as I felt his chest.

I let out a sigh of relief once I felt the gentle beating of his heart. Max was still alive, my prey... within my grasp.

He was soaked in blood, but I couldn't find any cuts or scratches. "Max." I whisper in his ear as I gently shake him awake.

His eyes opened slightly. "Dexter?" He asked groggily. "What do you want? It's the middle of the night...." he said bringing his head up.

Tears swell in my eyes. My prey was alright, I was so close. "No, it's not Dexter."

His eyes opens the rest of the way and he stared into my eyes. "Who are you?"

"It's me, Sariah." I say with a smile, even though he probably couldn't see.

"You're not Sariah." He tried to move away from me but was caught by the chains around his wrist and ankles. "Who are you, and why am I chained up, where am I?!"

Max starts to panic and yank at the chains, making a lot of noise. "Stop making so much noise, Max, someone is going to hear you."

I hear the sound of stone over stone, to late. I look around but found no place to hide. I jump behind max just as the snout of a lizard guard came into view.

It did a once over of the room before leaving. I let out a small sigh of relief.

Max turned around to look at me. As I looked into his eyes I felt a strong dark presence that was overpowered by light. The feeling was so contracting, and it started to feel as if I was losing myself.

Max's eyes slowly turned to pitch black with red showing around the edges. I grasped at my chest as it felt as though someone was trying to rip out my heart. The pressure slowly increased to where it was hard to even breath. "Max!" I strain to say. "Please... stop... it... hurts!"

His eyes flicker closed and he shakes his head. "Sariah? Is that really you?"

I gasp for air as the pressure lifts. "Yes. You've been kidnapped, and I'm here to get you out."

"By who, and where is here, Sariah, why am I chained up?"

I hold my finger against his lips. "I'll explain everything after I get you out of here. Now you have to listen to everything I say so we don't get killed, got it?" He nods his head. "Good, I'm going to get you out now, but you gotta be quiet, okay?"

I pull out one of my swords and swing it at the chains, breaking them in half with one hit. Max jaw drops as he watches the chains drop to the floor. Even in this situation I couldn't help but smile at how easily impressed he is.

"Okay then, let's get going."

Max gets to his feet and nods his head. "Right."

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