Chapter 19

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After about an hour of walking through a very creepy forest, we came across a wall of stone. I stopped but Dexter kept walking to the wall. I went to grab his shoulder before he ran into the wall, but he just pulled me with him through yet another portal. We had walked into a bright clearing with an old house just ahead.

I am so confused in this place. "Wah, where, huh. What's that place."

Dexter snickered. "It's the meeting place." He grabbed my hand. "Time for you to meet my loyals."

Dexter dragged me along as he sped up his pace. When I nearly fell Dexter decided it'd be faster just to carry me. "You're so slow! Remind me to add speed to your list of what we gotta work on."

The door opened just as Dexter got to it. "I'm baaack!" He yelled.

"Dexter!" I heard a female's voice.

Dexter set me down, but still held my hand. A girl with brown hair and a ripped dress had ran up and jumped on Dexter. "It's been so long, I really missed you." She lets go and stands with the top of her head barely reaching Dexter's chin. "Where have you been?"

Dexter scratches the back of his head. "Well, you see, it's a pretty long story... and I really only want to say it once, so is it okay if I tell you with everyone else?"

The girl crosses her arms angrily. "Fine, but it better be a good explanation." She spun on her heels and stomps off.

Dexter pulls me over to a long table and makes me sit in a chair with him sitting beside me. The Fox boy was already sitting down and the girl from earlier sat next to him. Beside her sat a muscular adult man, then across from him was a very slender and scrawny man. And the very last person was sitting away from everyone with a thick cloak hiding their features.

"I'm glad you could all make it with such little notice." Dexter began. "I am sorry that I have been gone for so long without giving an explanation. If any of you have any questions for me I'll answer them."

The scrawny man raised his hand, seeming unsure of himself. Dexter pointed to him. "Yes, Zall?"

He flinched. "W-where were y-you?" The man stuttered. The rest of the group murmured in agreement of his question.

Dexter raised his hand for them to quiet down before he asked, "Would you like me to tell the whole story?" The group all answered Yes, and Dexter began his story. "After our last mission together, I had been called back to my village. They had captured the western king of demons, and he had been murdered. Since I was the only half breed left in the village, they put me in his place. I was taken to the lizard kingdom and sentenced with watching over the boy sitting next to me. I have been stuck in the human world this whole time. I only came back now because I broke the contract I had with the Lizard King, and now he will be looking to kill me. The reason I called you here is because we need to take him out."

The girl from earlier raised her hand. "But, Dexter, you're not the type to break a deal and not pay for it, why are you doing that now?"

"That's not the reason we need to do this, he has gained too much power that is very unstable at this point and we do not want him to upset the already unstable balance this world has." Dexter explained.

The girl nodded her head in understanding. "I understand, and I am with you for this mission."

The Fox boy raised his hand next, waiting for Dexter to call on him. "Is the Lizard King our only target?"

Dexter nodded. "He is our main target, yes."

The Fox boy thought over this a moment before saying, "Then, I'm with you for this mission."

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