Chapter 24

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After what happened, Dexter took me back with him to the cabin to patch up our wounds. When we got back we found everyone waiting for us, well everyone who was still alive.

"Did everyone make it back?" Zall asked.

"Two of my group didn't make it." Answered one of the backups.

"All that matters now is that the mission is over." Virsa voiced.

Joshua was starting to get fidgety. "Where's Spion?" He asked.

"She didn't make it." I answered coldly.

Joshua stumbled back, the comment physically shocked him. "Th-that can't be.... No... you're lying!" He cried out.

I stood up and walked over to where Joshua was. "Joshua, I'm sorry, I tried to save her."

He grabbed me by the collar. He narrowed his eyes with anger, but all that was there was grief. Joshua tried to speak but couldn't. He let go as he slid to his knees. I crouch down beside him but he didn't acknowledge my presence. "Would it help if I told you she died happy?" Joshua shook his head viciously.

"How about if you were dead too, would that help?" Dexter growled.

Joshua looked up at Dexter. "She was my sister, for God's sake! Aren't I allowed to grieve? We're not all as cold-hearted as you!"

Dexter seemed taken back by what Joshua said. I stand between them to block their glares. "Enough you two. Dexter let him grieve in peace, he needs it." I say as I bend down to try and comfort the Fox boy.

Dexter grumbles at me before turning to Virsa. "Was the mission a success?" He asked her.

She nodded to him. "Yes. The Lizard King is no more."

"Good." Dexter replied. He stood from the bench he was sitting at. He walked to the door and motioned for me to come. "Max, we're going home."

I rose to my feet. "So soon?" I asked.

Dexter nodded. "You need to get back how before your Mom finds out you're gone."

I nod and walk to the door. Before we could leave Virsa asked; "Does this mean you're leaving us again?"

Dexter grips the doorknob. "It won't be as long this time, I promise."

Virsa sighed. "Then I look forward to our next meeting, Dexter."

Dexter opens the door. "Same to you, Virsa." He said as he began to walk away.

I quickly followed, not wanting to be left behind again. Without really thinking about it I grab Dexter's hand to keep up with him.

The walk was quiet to the portal. It wasn't an awkward silence though, it was... peaceful. If I wasn't hurting so much I would of enjoyed even more.

When we got to the edge of the portal I almost didn't want to leave. This place, being uncharted territory to me, somehow felt like home. I look over to Dexter and realize how he must feel about leaving. This was his home once upon a moon. "Dexter." I say softly. "Are you sure you want to go back?"

He smiled and looked me in the eyes. "I don't want to, but I have to. I will always be by your side wherever you go... and right now you have to go back to the human realm. Don't think too much of it, there is an upside to that place."

"What's that?" I asked.

He got real serious. "Horses there can't call rape."

Instant regret. What else did I expect him to say? I glare at him. I open my mouth to say something, but I didn't know what to say to that so I just shook my head instead. "Let's just go." I say after a moment.

Dexter smirks. "You ready for this?"

"Ready for what?" I ask before thinking.

Dexter wraps his arms tightly around me then falls back into the portal. We began spinning like crazy the way Dexter made us fall in. "Dexter!" I yelled so he could hear me. "You're such an ass!"

"I know!" I faintly heard him reply.

Dexter's grip loosened on me, then I lost him altogether. I started to panic and began to gain even more speed with my descend. The ground came fast. I closed my eyes at the flash of blue. The sensation of falling stopped abruptly and I slowly opened my eyes. Only inches from my face was the blue carpet of my room. I suddenly dropped to the floor, getting a slight carpet burn on my cheek. "Thanks for dropping me." I say sarcastically to Dexter as I stand up.

I look around my room and find that he is nowhere to be seen. "Dexter, stop messing around, it's not funny."

"Oh really?" Hearing the familiar female voice I spin around to see Sariah in the doorway.

I stare wide eyed at her. "Sariah? How are you? Are you still hurt? What happened? Where have you been all this time? What are you doing here?" I began.

She shook her head. "Those are not the questions you should be asking about now."

A tall well dressed man appeared behind her. His black hair was smoothed back to better reveal his demonic glowing blue eyes. He shifted slightly to show that he was holding Dexter by the throat with his tail. "Hello Maxwell. I've been looking forward to meeting you in person."

"I can't say the same." I tried to say calmly but came out a little squeaky.

The man made a noise that could resemble a growling chuckle. "How rude of me. My name is Schuliz." He held out a clawed hand. "I am here on behalf of the Raven, I'm sure you've heard of him."

I glare at his outstretched hand. "No, I haven't."

The man lowers his hand seeming a little hurt that I wouldn't accept the handshake. "He is the ancient that has taken a liking to you."

Ancient? He's the one who tricked me! "What does he want with me?"

Schuliz smirked. "If you wish to know then just come with me and you can ask him yourself."

"And what if I don't?" I asked.

His tail tightened around Dexter's neck. "Then the dog dies, along with your caretakers."

"No... Max... don't." Dexter strains to say.

Dexter, and my caretakers... my moms! "Fine, I'll go with you. So long as you don't hurt them."

Schuliz held out his hand once again. "Then it's a deal."

"You won't hurt any of them, right?"

He smirks. "I will not harm even a single hair on their heads."

I hesitantly take his hand. "Deal."

Schuliz's tail receded as Dexter dropped to the floor coughing and gasping for breath. "Max... no."

I ignore him, instead I stare at the man in front of me. A smile creeps across his lips. "Good choice boy." He pulled a small bag out of his pocket and threw it on the floor, causing a smoke cloud to form. "Sariah, if you would be a darling and take Max for me. I'll be right behind you."

Sariah nodded her head and grabbed my arm forcefully. She jumped into the portal and dragged me in with her. I felt uneasy about leaving Schuliz behind with Dexter, but he promised not to hurt anyone. Not to mention that Sariah was insanely strong.

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