Chapter 10

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It had always hurt to watch them together, but it never felt this bad. I wonder what it is?

I go through the day in a bit of a slump. Everyone seemed to avoid me for some reason, guess it was because I had never shown this side to them. The happy-go-lucky Dexter spiraled into depression, it wasn't like me at all. Well at least it wasn't like the me that anyone here knew. Every time I saw Max and Sariah, it felt like a knife through my heart. Why do I feel this way? I wish I knew why. By lunch I had finally run into Max when he wasn't attached to Sariah. "Hey, Max!" I called out to him.

He turned and walked towards me. "Hey, Dexter. Heard you've been in a slump today, what happened?"

I smiled at him. "Well, I didn't get that much sleep last night, you see. I was up late talking with Madre about your training, think you're up for it today?" I lied through my teeth.

Max smiled. "Not really, oh Dexter," he closed the space between us and lowered his voice, "I know something is up with you, why do you keep forgetting that I am closer to you then you realize?" He asks before taking a step back.

I smiled at him. "I guess it just doesn't register sometimes. But really, don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

Max gives me a look that says he's not buying it but nods his head anyways. "Okay, sure. I gotta go get some notes from Caleb, see ya later."

I wave to him as he walks away, then go and sit in my normal seat.


I didn't see Max the rest of the day until we were on the bus, and by then all the seats were filled so I had to sit in the back of the bus. Max sat with Sariah, as usual. I was next to a middle schooler who thought they were all that, picking word fights with the older kids.

After a few stops I move to an empty seat at the front of the bus to get away from the commotion in the back. The stop comes up and I get off with Max and Sariah. I walk behind them as Max walks her halfway to her house. After he kissed her goodbye and started to walk off Sariah gave me the evil eye. I get closer to her to talk to her without Max hearing. "You can't keep up this act forever, he is going to find out what you really are and your plan will go down the drain."

She gave me an evil smirk. "Of course he'll find out, but you won't be the one to tell him." She pinches my cheek. "Isn't that right, guard dog?"

I slapped away her hand before growling at her. "You know I would if I could, and I would kill you without a second thought."

Sariah sticks her tongue out at me. "Well you can't no matter how much you want to, I'm under his protection... even if he doesn't realize it himself." She said smugly before spinning around and walking off.

I flick her off even though she couldn't see me. Still felt good. I turn around and race to catch up with Max. "Hey buddy."

He glances over at me. "Oh, hey. I thought you were going to go change again."

"Oh, yeah.... I'll go do that." I say before going off to my place where I turn to Rex.

When I get back Max had disappeared. I hide my bag in the bushes and sneak inside his house. I look all over for Max but he is nowhere to be found. I find Madre on the couch in the living room. I stood between her and the TV. "Hey, did Max come in."

She glanced down at me from the show she had been watching. "No Dexter."

I start to leave but realize something. "I thought you were only staying for a day, why are you still here, Madre?"

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