Chapter 20

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It was so easy to get across the barren landscape to the Lizard's stronghold, we should've known something was wrong. Even in that short moment of triumph there was still an uneasy feeling lingering in the air. Yet everyone ignored it as if they couldn't feel it. Why didn't they feel that unmistakable pressure that always hung in the air when something happened? Could they not feel it? Whatever the case was, we were still headed inside.

We walked through the front gates with no guards in sight. The tall stone walls towering over all of us. There's was an abnormal heat coming off of them that made the air hot around us.

"There's something strange going on here." Dexter voiced. Everyone else agreed in silence. "Maybe we should go back and-" he was cut off abruptly by a body falling from above. It threw everyone off so that when the guards poured in we were slow to the draw.

Just before the lizards completely overwhelmed us, half of the hooded demons around me started to change form to what looked like huge cats. They drove back the Lizard forces just enough for the rest of us to move on.

"No wonder Dexter didn't like them." Spion whispered to me. Even in a time like this, she could still make a joke.

Dexter stopped us where the hallway separated. "We've been spotted, the best way to proceed is to split into two groups. Zall, David, and Versa you take two of the backups and go take the back way to the King's chamber." The ones Dexter called out began to race off down the right hallway. "Spion, Max, and the backups come with me, we're going the direct route."

We all began to run down the left hall. Everyone was so much faster than me and I started to fall behind. I tried to catch up but I just kept falling further and further behind. I had to stop to catch my breath, losing all hope of catching up to them. I was now alone with only a sword to protect me.

I still followed the hall, knowing I wasn't going to see any sign of them. Why did Dexter even bring me? I can't defend myself from anything, I don't know how to use my powers, I can't even run, and the demon world is foreign to me. I'm just useless here... so why Dexter? Why won't he just tell me what he's planning for once?

My thoughts were interrupted by a horribly screech. It wasn't from someone I knew... was it? It was more female than the lizards. Who screamed? I picked up my pace as the screaming continued. It didn't take to long to get to the source... it was Spion. I slid to a stop beside her, dropping to my knees. "What happened!?" I asked frantically.

Spion reached up to grab my hand. "I-I... d-didn't see them coming...i-it was poisoned... it-it hurts Max..."

I looked over her for a wound and saw that her other hand was covered in blood and over a hole in her stomach. I ripped off a part of my shirt and held it against her wound. "It's going to be okay, we'll get you out of here. Where are the others?" I asked, looking around. All around us were bodies of the lizard guards but no trace of the others. My attention is pulled back to Spion when She squeezed my hand. "No... it's not going to be okay... at-at least not for me."

I rub her hand with my face, still holding pressure to her wound with the other. "No! You're going to live, and then I can show you the human world."

She tried to smile, but could only manage a look of pain. "C-Can you tell me-e about the human world? I'll-I'll... take your word for it."

My throat tightens and I can feel my eyes begin to water. "O-okay. There's the sun that shines brightly during the day and when it goes down the moon comes up but it's not as bright."

Spion tries to laugh. "I-I know th-that's, silly."

I smile at her. "Of course you do. Then I'll tell you about the oceans, do you know about the oceans." Spion shakes her head slightly. "The oceans are great blue bodies of water that stretch out for miles. There's all kinds of fish that live in them too, like sharks and whales..."

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