Chapter 7

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I walk up to the door of the room Reeves had told to meet him in. Before I could knock the door opens. A tall man with red eyes and white hair is standing in front of a chair in the middle if the blank room.

He motions for me to come sit down. I approach cautiously and sit down.

Reeves stands in front of me as he starts my interrogation. "What is taking you so long to finish your assignment?"

I grab the arms of the chair. "I've been cursed by the dog demon that is protecting the boy."

He looks irritated as he paces back and forth. "How long will it take for you to get rid of this 'curse' that has been given to you by the dog?"

I tighten my grip on the arms of the chair. "As long as the dog is under the command to guard the boy. As so as he is told his job is done, the curse will be lifted and I can finally bring you the boy."

He strokes his chin where a beard was just starting to grow back. "Are you absolutely sure the curse will be broken?"

I nod my head. "Yes, he told me himself."

Reeves crouches down in front of me to be more level with me. "Since you are my only free asset at the moment, I guess we'll just have to wait for that time."

"Yes sir."

He stands up and walks to the door. "You are free to go back now." He says before leaving.

The room around me begins to spin as I return to my room in the human world. I stand and the chair fades away. I walk over to my bed and check my phone. It was dead so I charged it with a quick burst of electricity.

It turned on and I checked the date. "A whole week. This'll be hard to cover up."

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