Chapter 16

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It was quite difficult getting Dexter out of the hospital. We finally got out of there only after I snatched some scrubs. When we got out the front doors, Dexter went around and changed into Rex so he could get back home easier. Since dogs weren't allowed on the bus, Dexter said he'd meet me at my house.

I got back home half an hour later. I walked up the stairs to find Dexter already in my room digging in my closet. I walked over to him and looked over his shoulder. "So what are we getting ready for?"

"A major ass kicking." Dexter answered matter-of-factly.

I nodded. "Yes, okay. Why?"

"Well you see when I broke into that place to rescue you, I basically declared war against the Lizard King." Dexter explained as he rummaged through my closet. "This wouldn't be such a bad thing if we had at least a couple of more demons on our side." He pulled out the sword he had cut me with before. "Seeing that all we have right now is me and you, not mentioning that you still haven't fully grasped your powers, I'd say we're screwed."

"But what can we do about that? It's not like we could just walk up to anyone and have them join our side without a second thought."

He inspected the sword. "That is why we're going to go to the demon world and visit some of my old friends."

"That sounds all fine and dandy, but how the hell are we supposed to get there?" I ask.

Dexter turned to me with an evil grin. "We teleport of course, how else."

I knew I was getting nowhere with the questioning so I changed the subject. "Okay then. So if you're not going to answer my questions could you at least tell me what happened that night?"

Dexter sighed. "That's something I really can't tell you."

"Why not?!"

"Well, ya see, I had already passed out from blood lose, but Sariah was there. Ask her." Dexter grumbled as he took out an old looking box.

"I haven't seen or heard from her and she didn't answer when I went over to her house."

"Then she might be in the demon world or just not answering her door. Where ever she is I'm guessing she's still waiting for her punishment."

I looked over his shoulder as he opened the box on the floor. "What's she in for?"

"Um, I'm not sure how I should tell you... but Sariah is a full blooded demon that was sent here to take you from me."

I turn around and lay on his back. "Why is everything so complicated?! So... what does that mean?"

He started to pull bags out of the box. "Seriously, Max! Why do you have to be so curious?"

"Well maybe I just want to know what's going on." I reached back and started to mess up Dexter's hair. "Not to mention how my life, and my friends, might be in danger."

He shrugs me off of him. "Fine, I guess that's reasonable enough. Okay then, so you already know how I was forced to be here because of the lizard demons." He glances at me and I nod my head. "Well Sariah was sent here by a group of demons that are... let's say against, the lizard demons."

I sit down next to Dexter. "Okay. So now that I know everything that seems to be important at the moment... what ya wanna talk about now?"

He looks over at me with an expression that was just priceless. So now I'm laying on the floor, laughing, with Dexter staring at me like I've gone mad. "You really are something, you know that right?"

I try to nod my head as I'm laughing, didn't work all too well. Dexter took this opportunity to jump on me and start tickling my sides, making me squeal like a girl. I struggled to try and get loose... one thing lead to another and Dexter fell on me. I stop laughing abruptly as we are now nose to nose. My eyes go wide as he leans in closer and kisses me.

I shoved Dexter off of me and back away from him. "What the fuck, man?!" I yell at him as I wipe my mouth.

He just stares at me with the look of pure shock. "I...."

"Nope. Let's just pretend that didn't happen so we can get this over with." He slowly nods his head and goes back to what he was doing.

I sat there and stared at him, it was all I really could do right now. He kissed me... on the lips.... I just couldn't wrap my head around it. But now I know I was right. I wasn't just imagining it when I caught his gaze on the bus. Dexter... you really do, don't you? I don't know what to think anymore, my best friend... likes me, and more than just a friend. Thinking back now I probably should've know.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. No. I need to focus on what we're doing right now.

I finally break the awkward silence with a simple, "Hey..." but I just made it worse. Ignoring the tension, I continue to ask my question. "So Dexter..."

"Yes Max." He answered quickly without even glancing at me.

"Uh... sorry. You know, for yelling. You just... surprised me."

"You shouldn't be apologizing, I shouldn't have done that in the first place. It was just...." He trailed off without the intention of finishing his sentence.

I slowly move closer to see what he's doing as Dexter starts to put the stuff from the bags into a bowl. "It was just, what?" I ask quietly.

He finally looks me in the eyes and I see the pain he was trying so hard to hide. It made me feel so bad about how I overreacted. "Stand up." Was all he said.

I quickly do as he told me and stuff my hands into my pockets. He grabs one last bag and stands next to me. He drops the last of what's in his hand into the bowl. A cloud of smoke goes up and starts to swirl.

"Ready?" Dexter asks me.

"Ready for what?" He grabs my hand and pulls me along as he jumps into the smoke.

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