Chapter 9

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I wake up and check my alarm clock. 5:34 PM. Ugh, too early. I try to go back to sleep but find myself not tired at all.

I sit up and see that Rex was still asleep, and at the foot of my bed. Weird, he was Dexter and right next to me when I fell asleep.

I couldn't get back to sleep so I just get dressed. I put on my shirt and check the clock again, 5:39 am. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and comb my hair, before coming back in my room. 5:51 am. Oh, come on. I still got almost an hour before its time to catch my bus.

I go over to Dexter and shake him lightly. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. "What is it, Max?"

"I couldn't go back to sleep, and I have nothing to do to pass the time."

He closes his eyes and curls up. "Go put some clothes in my bag so I can have some more time to run to the school."

I start for my dresser then stop. "Why don't you just ride the bus?"

He growls. "Because that's not how I normally get to school, and your mother is becoming suspicious of me. Now go get me some clothes."

I get some clothes together for him and stuff them into his bag. Then I go down stairs and get some breakfast. I sat down to a happy helping of cereal.

I rinse out my bowl and put it in the sink, then check the cloak on the stove, 6:35. Finally! Time to go to the bus stop.

I grab my bag and slip on my shoes before heading out the door. As I walk to my bus stop I get a very eerie feeling, as if someone was watching me. I sat down on the curb as usual then look around for the source of my discomfort. I'm startled by Sariah sneaking up behind me. "Hey cutie pie." She says as she sat down.

She kissed me hello. "Sorry I haven't been at school." She said with a pouty face.

I kiss her back. "Yeah, about that, I was getting worried. What happened?"

She gave me a half smile. "Family emergence. Had to go somewhere to meet up with my dad, because my mom had to go somewhere else."

I hug her. "Well it's okay, now that you're here."

She inhaled sharply as if about to cry. I waited for her to start crying but she kept quite. I let it go, probably just my imagination anyway.

I let go of her. "So, are you doing okay?"

She nodded her head. "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" She said with a smile that seemed put together.

I stroke her cheek. "I won't pry if you don't want to tell me, but please don't lie to me when I can tell you're hurting."

Sariah quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and began to cry. I rub her back, trying to comfort her the best I could. "I'll protect you always...." I whispered in her ear.

Sariah started to cry harder so I wrapped my arms around her. I look up from the ground to see Dexter standing a little ways off. Even from far away I could clearly see the pain in his eyes, but it wasn't the pain from being hurt... it was the pain of loss.

I'm reminded of Sariah when she pulls away from me after she's done crying. Her eyes very red and a little puffy, and her tears were still on her cheeks. I take my weather sleeve and wipe away her tears.

Dexter was standing over use by time I was done. Sariah tried to hide the fact she'd been crying by not looking at him at all. Dexter oddly Sat down next to me without saying a word. I would ask him what's wrong but I didn't want to with Sariah around, especially after a breakdown like that.

So the three of us sat in silence waiting on the bus that was now ten minutes late. It was as if you could feel the awkwardness in the air that was only broken by the bus pulling up. We filled in and found our seats. Dexter sat right behind the bus driver while Sariah and I sat in our normal seats in the middle of the bus. Sariah laid against me as soon as we got settled. "Maxwell...." she breathed.

"Yes?" I answered quietly.

She snuggled up to me. "I wish we could stay like this forever, with no worries...."

I pet her hair. "I do too." I say before kissing her head.

By an odd chance I catch Dexter's gaze right before the lights turned off... and I knew....

Half the Demon's Soul (Completed Rough Draft)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant