Chapter 6

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"What the hell was that all about?" I ask Dexter when we got on the bus.

Dexter sighs heavily and looks around. "Darius is a demon-"

"Yeah I figured that."

He glared at me when I interrupted him. "Let me finish explaining before you comment."

I pretend to zip my mouth shut.

He relaxes a little before he started talking again. "Like I said, Darius is a demon. He was sent to the human realm a couple of years ago to check up on me, to make sure I haven't skipped out on guarding you or something like that. He's not that much of a threat, just a lowly servant."

"Aren't you a servant?" I say before thinking.

He glares at me again, curling his lip. I was sure he would rip out my throat if we weren't in a public place. "What was that, Max?"

I hold my hands up in defence. "Nothing."

"That's what I thought."

"So, who are the people that sent him?"

He thinks a little before answering. "Well, they are the ones who gave me this... uh, job, you could say."

"Oh, okay."

We sit in silence as the bus goes through its route. It finally got to my stop and Dexter and I got off. Dexter looked lost in thought, so I 'accidentally' bump into him. He stumbles a little then gives me the stink eye.

I give him a cheesy smile. "Whatcha thinkin bout?"

He shakes his head. "Nothing important."

I nudge him. "Oh, come on, we've been friends since kindergarten, I know when you're thinking about something."

Dexter's expression saddens ever so slightly. "But that's just it, you are my friend. You're just supposed to be the boy I'm guarding... nothing special. But it's taken so long for you to develop your powers that I created a bound with you. That was not suppose to happen, ever."

I wrap my arm around his neck. "Who ever said you couldn't form a bound with someone you're guarding. Even if it's not forever, it good to have a friend when you can."

Dexter wraps his arm around me. "I guess so. Hey, Max."

I let go of him after he moves his arm. "Yes, Dexter?"

"Your Mom's off today, isn't she?"

I count the days on my hand. "Yep, today and tomorrow."

He cursed under his breath. "Hey Max."

"Yes Dexter?"

"Would you be a good friend and wait for me to give you my clothes? Your Mom's getting suspicious of me being around so much, and Rex hasn't been around too much... so...."

"Sure, I'll wait for you."

"Thanks I'll be right back." He says before dashing off.

After a couple of minutes Rex comes back dragging his backpack stuffed with clothes. He drops it at my feet. "If you would be so kind and take my bag in."

I pet his head. "Of course I will, Rex." He growls a little but lets me pet him anyways.

We walk in, I take off my shoes and put my bag by the door as always. When I put down Dexter's bag he nudges my hand and motions for me to take it up stairs. I pick his bag back up, then head upstairs to my room.

The night went on as usual, other than me sneaking some extra food for Dexter during dinner. As so as we got to my room he turned into his human form and scarfed down the food.

After he's finished I take his plate and throw a pair of boxers at his face. I put the plate in the sink then go back to my room. When I opened the door Dexter grabs me from above, making me jump. I look up to see that he is holding himself up by have one foot on the door frame and the other on the ceiling, practically doing the splits. "Boo!" He says before bursting into laughter.

Dexter laughed so hard he lost his balance and slipped. He didn't fall on the floor like I was hoping though, instead he just grabbed the door and slid down softly.

I punch him in the arm before I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes. When I came back in my room Dexter was already asleep in my bed. I sigh before getting in bed with him. At least he's warm. I think before closing my eyes.

Half the Demon's Soul (Completed Rough Draft)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz