Dexter Pt. 1

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Three creatures, dressed in heavy dark cloaks, crowd around a sphere that is floating at shoulder height. The image in the sphere is that of a small child sleeping in a cradle. "The untapped power this one possesses is incredible, we should try and contain-"

The underling was cut off by the one beside it. "No! Its too dangerous! We can't! Everything will be destroyed!"

"You make a strong point, but if we don't do something we will be eliminated!" The first underling responded.

The second underling pondered this. "Ah... let's send the half-breed to watch over. Maybe it can restrain that power until we can absorb it."

"Yes, we can try that!"

The image in the sphere clouded then dropped. The leader caught the sphere and put it in his cloak. "Then it's settled. We shall send the half-breed!"

The three creatures made their way to an iron door. They lined up in front of the door and the leader took a step forward. It bowed sligtly and said; "Key Master, we wish to retrieve prisoner Alpha. May we please have the key?"

A moment of silence followed his question. Then a stone in the wall slowly slide out. Once it stop, the leader approached the stone and reached inside. It took out the ring of keys and stepped back to where it was before.

The door in front of them clicked and slowly creaked open. The door opened into a long hallway with no lights. Prisons cells line either wall. The creatures made their way down the hallway. Shadowy figures retreated to the back of their cells as the creatures passed them. The small group gathered around the last cell at the end of the hallway. The leader pulls out the keys from his robes and unlocks the door. As soon as it clicked the three rushed in all at once, slamming the door shut behind them. The sounds of whip lashes and claws against stone echoed throughout the hallway.

This continued until the three creatures emerged dragging a limp bloody body. As the creatures came back down the hallway, the shadowy figures gathered at their cell doors. Their focus on the blood oozing from the limp body, flowing back to its former cell.

One of the creatures pulled out a whip from its cloak and cracked it. As it did so all of the shadows retreated back further in their cells. The leader of the group bowed in front of the iron door. Light spilled in through a slit in the door. "We have what we came in to get, and request to leave."

The slit closed and the door creaked open engulfing the hallway in light. As the door opens the group of creatures quickly drag the body out of the hallway and shut the door. There are greeted by two small dog-like animals. The two hounds take the bloody body and drag it through a small door in the wall. The three creatures wait for the animals to disappear before they turn and walk away.

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