Chapter 22

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In the medium between the human and the demon realms:

The sound of dripping water echoed throughout the cave. The water's surface rippled, causing the image to dissolve. Frustrated by this, the man beside the pool hit the surface and made water go everywhere. He cursed loudly then yelled out, "Servent!" Not a moment later, a small boy came to the water's edge barring a towel. The man took the towel. "Good boy. Now come closer and take a look at this, won't you now boy?"

The boy hesitantly inched closer. The man pointed to another boy in the water. "Do you see that? That is exactly what I did not want to happen... so when you go out to retrieve this boy don't mess up like the last demon."

The nodded his head. "Yes master."

The man pats the boy's head. "Good, you can go prepare now. Before you leave send in Schuliz."

The boy bowed. "Yes master." Then he left.

The man stared into the water, observing the battle between the dog and his prize. The boy had lost control of the power he received from the slaves mistake. Surprisingly enough the dog was holding his ground, he fought back so furiously it almost seemed as though he had a chance to win this fight. But the man knew better, he knew that the dog would hesitate when the boy showed his true form... the form of pure evil. It was a magnificent sight.

The man was pulled from his thoughts by the presence of another being beside him. "Master," The demon began. "You called for me?"

The man nodded his head. "Yes, yes. I have something I want you to do." He held his hand over the water, never touching the surface. The image began to change to show a teenage girl alone in her room. "This is the cat that Reeves used to get to the boy." He turned to the being beside him. "I want you to kill her."

The being bowed. "As you wish, master. Would you like me to go now?"

The man nodded. "Yes, and bring me back something for proof. I am still uncertain if you can be trusted yet...."

The being bowed once again. "Of course master, it is only logical. I will take my leave now and bring you back a trophy."

The man smiled as the being left the cave and flew away. He turned back to the pool that reflected the fight as it did before. "You're next test is on the way."



I don't know how long it's been now, maybe a few days, but I could still see the eyes of the monster that had taken a hold of Max. Every time I close my eyes I see the image of that monster. Even when I saw it I still could not believe that the defenceless little Max could be a monster like that, so powerful to were his aura alone paralyzed me. I remember the screams of the lizards as Max tore them in half. I remember the feel of his claws around my legs... my bone cracking in his grip.

I shake my head to try and clear my thoughts. Why was I that surprised, I already knew Max was a demon. I guess there was always a part of me that doubted it....

I jump when I hear a knock at my front door. After slowly getting out of bed I make my way to the door. I opened the door to see someone I didn't know. He was very tall, had dark hair, was wearing a suit, just the average male. "Hello?" I say questionably.

"Are you Sariah?" He asked.

I nodded my head. The man smirked. "Hello Sariah, I'm Schuliz." His eyes flashed to blue. "I am here to kill you."

I instantly slam the door and run in the opposite direction. I had to get away, I had no chance against a Dragon. "Oh, don't make this difficult Sariah." I heard him call out before door split in two. I run up the stairs to my room where I had a portal opened. The Dragon was right behind me the whole way. I made it to the portal but before I could jump all the way in the Dragon grabbed my ankle. He yanked me back and let me fall on the floor, which left me breathless. The Dragon wrapped his tail around my legs so I couldn't run away. "Sariah I told you not to make this difficult." He sneered. "Now, before I kill you, I want to know one thing."

I struggled to get his tail off my legs. The Dragon knocked me down and put a foot to my throat. He tsked at me. "No, no, no. I didn't get to ask my question."

I held his foot to where it wasn't crushing my throat. "Why would I tell you anything?"

He waves his finger at me. I start to panic, realizing that this might be my last moments. "I'm the one asking the questions. Now, answer me this: if I let you live, would you be able to capture the boy? Or fail as you've done before?" The Dragon questioned.

"I can capture him! I haven't done it before because of that dog! I can do it! Just please don't kill me." I answered hastily.

The Dragon removes his foot and I gasp for air. He reaches down to help me up as his tail slithers off my legs. "Then I will let you live long enough to help me catch the boy, deal?"

I hesitantly grab his hand. "D-deal."

He pulled me up close to him, and gave an evil smirk. "This is going to be fun." He said before picking me up and jumping through the portal to the demon realm. What did I get myself into?

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