Chapter 4

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Today is Saturday, and it's been almost a week since Madre asked me to move in with her, and I still haven't given her an answer. Whenever the subject comes up I'd just go silent. When Mom tried to find out what was going on she just got the run around.

At school I was falling behind with my work because of the less sleep I was able to get. Sariah had been absent the whole week save Monday, so I was mostly quiet and to myself.

When I saw Dexter in school, it just felt so awkward. Some of my teachers got really worried and called my Mom, that's how she found out there was something going on.

When I went to bed that first night I was really hoping that what happened to me was all a dream... but when I woke it was still real.

Now I'm on the floor lying on my back staring at the ceiling. Just laying there, not even thinking. I look around my room and see that everything is like it's supposed to be. The door on one side of the room with my closet door close to it, my bed against the far wall, my dresser against the opposite wall, my desk and chair beside the dresser. Normal.

But it didn't seem real. It only felt like a dream, as if any minute now I'd start falling to my doom. It didn't help the fact that my walls were pure creamy white, with no posters or extra colors. I wanted to reach out and put my hand through the wall, just to see if it was really there. But of course when I tried that my fingers were instantly met with the solid wall.

I heard a knock at my door but ignored it. They knocked again before coming in anyways. Even though I told him never to come in my room again, I sat up to see none other than Dexter come through the doorway. He had a very worried look on his face. I try to say something, but the words never come out.

Dexter sits down in front of me. "Maxwell, are you okay?"

All I do is stare at him angrily. I wonder if he's even Dexter, he could just be an imposter like the monster that was after me. Yet somehow manage to answer. "I don't know what's real anymore, and I feel so torn about staying with my Mom or leaving with madre. I just don't know...."

Dexter looks me in the eyes. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, you realize this right?" I nod. "And you don't have to make up your mind right away, take however long you need."

He stands up. "But you need to stop acting like it's the end of the world and get a hold of yourself. Now get up, and come with me."

I shake my head in protest. All I want to do is sit here and think about life. Wow, I do sound pathetic, but it's the truth. The sad, sad truth.

Dexter grabs me by the shoulders and lifts me up. It surprised me for a second before I remembered he was a demon. "Let me go!" I yell at him as I struggle to break free of his grip but failed miserably. "Fine, if you're not going to let me go at least tell me where you're gonna take me."

Dexter sighs and starts to walk to the door, still carrying me. "We're going someplace magical. Does it really matter? Now I'm going to set you down, don't run away." He let go of my shoulders and I staggered slightly when my feet hit the ground.

I take a step towards the stairs and Dexter immediately grabs my arm. "I told you not to run." He growled at me. "Now we're going to go outside, are you ready for that?" He didn't even wait for me to answer before he started dragging me down the stairs.

Dexter continued to drag me until we were next to a silver car that was parked in front of my house. I struggled to get free again. "Let go of me! There's no way I'm getting in there and letting you drive me anywhere!"

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