Chapter 18

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It was so awkward for me, sitting there. Dexter talking to the snake in a weird language that I couldn't understand. I felt very out of place.

Dexter and the snake shook hands, and they were done. Dexter began to stand up and nudged me to get up too. We stood then walked out of the Inn. "Dexter, what was that all about?"

"I think we found most of our group that we'll need, we just have to find a couple of loyals." He answered without looking at me.

"But what was with that handshake? I mean, why did you change your hand to a paw?"

Dexter shrugged his shoulders. "Simple, only deals made with true form are the ones that will be kept, at least that's the short explanation. You'll figure it out later... maybe."

"Okay... so what are loyals?"

He takes his free hand and puts it to his face, making a sound of irritation. "What do think? You're not completely brain dead in there, are you?"

"No. I just wanted to know for sure, since all this demon stuff is so confusing and all."

"Well for once it means exactly what it sounds like. Loyals is just a way of saying allies that won't double cross you. I only have about five... maybe."

"You're so popular." I say with thick sarcasm.

He glared at me. "Just so you know, that actually is a lot of loyals compared to the common demon. It's very hard to make those connections, and even harder to keep."

"Aw, is the poor Dexter having a hard time?"

He growled at me. "When you start to actually understand the demon world, you won't be laughing anymore. Just you wait and see."

"Sure, of course I will. So where are we headed to now, Dexter?"

"There's a portal cluster nearby and we can take on of those to get to the first of my loyals, it's lot faster than walking all the way there."

I nod my head and see that we're still holding hands. I started to feel very awkward again, but I didn't want to say anything.

Just as I was about to open my mouth Dexter suddenly scooped me up and jumped over a group of tall bushes. I grabbed hold of Dexter as we kept falling. The ground seemed to have disappeared and we were now falling into a vortex of blue and black. I managed to make out the sound of Dexter laughing through the wind that was howling in my ears. I close my eyes and tightened my grip on Dexter.

The wind died down and I opened my eyes to see that we were already on the ground and Dexter was still carrying me as he walked along. But when I loosened my grip Dexter let go of me. I fell to the ground and landed on my butt.

I glared up at the bully. "Why'd you do that?"

He crossed his arms. "You got two perfectly good legs of your own, use them lazy."

I stand up and dust myself off. "Fine, but you could have set me down instead of dropping me, you big bully."

Dexter shrugged his shoulders. "It was more fun to drop you and see your reaction, which was pretty funny." He looks up. "Oh look, there's one of my loyals now."

I spin around to see a huge Fox walking towards us. It was the biggest Fox I've ever seen, with it's ears coming up to my nose. I would of thought it was a wolf if it wasn't for the cat-like features and the color. The Fox stopped a few feet away. "Hello Dexter." It said, bowing its head.

Dexter bowed in return. "It's been awhile."

The Fox slowly morphed into a little boy. Not what I was expecting at all, especially with how deep his voice sounded. The little Fox boy high-fived Dexter and they did a handshake. "Man, I thought you were dead. No one has heard from you for, like, years."

"Yeah, I had to take care of this," Dexter pointed at me with his thumb. "All because my village caught one of the demon kings and shit happened."

The Fox boy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'd love to hear the rest of that story sometime, but I have a feeling you didn't come here just to catch up."

Dexter got serious. "Well, for once you're right. I need your help to take down a kingdom that has gained a dark power. We don't know how much they took but even a little is a dangerous amount."

The Fox boy nodded his head. "Understood. So are you gathering up everyone else?"


The Fox boy perked up as if he remembered something. "Oh yeah, Badmouth finally left the group after all that crap he was stirring up."

"So he finally left." Dexter said with relief. "It's about time, but what are we going to do about the opening?"

The Fox boy waved a hand at him. "Don't worry, we gained a new member not too long ago."

"That's good." Dexter glances over at me. "You should call for a meeting and we'll meet you there."

The Fox boy does a little salute before morphing into his Fox form and hop away. Dexter turns back to me. "That was Joshua. He's my second in command of my small group of loyals."

I was very confused by this point. "Wait, there's a group? I thought we'd have to go hunt them down one by one."

Dexter laughs at me. "No, why would we do that? If we did, we'd probably spend a month trying to get to each of the realms they live in, not to mention how long it'd take to find them."

"Okay, I get it, I don't know anything." I interrupt.

Dexter pats me on the head. "Oh, you're so smart." He gets serious again. "When we do go to this meeting, you are to stay by my side at all times and do as I say, understand?"

I didn't like the way he was bossing me around. "Ah, will the mighty Dexter hurt me if I don't?"

He shakes his head. "I won't, you'd probably be dead by time I noticed. The demons we are meeting may be loyal to me in battle, but they have there own morals. They will kill you in an instant if they get the chance, so listen to me, got it?"

I nod my head, kind of scared to go now. Dexter smiles. "Good. Now let's get going, don't want to be late."

I follow close behind Dexter as he started to walk in the direction the Fox had went. I couldn't see his face, but I just knew he was laughing at me. Big jerk.

Half the Demon's Soul (Completed Rough Draft)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن