Chapter 1

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I woke up to my dog liking my face. I shove him out of my face and wiped off his drool. "Rex! Why do do you have to do this every morning?"

He tilted his head and barked. I reached over and petted his head. I look over at my clock, it said six thirty. At least he gets me up at the right time.

I get out of bed and go to my dresser. I get out my pants and boxers and put them on, then held to my closet for a shirt. After I slide it on I head to the bathroom and do my daily routine. After that I go downstairs for breakfast.

There was a plate with eggs, bacon and sausage, underneath it was a note. I put a piece of bacon in my mouth as I read the note.

Sorry sweetly, I was called in early this morning, and I won't be back until midnight. Made you some breakfast, but you might want to heat it up. There's dinner in the fridge for later. Your lunch is on the top shelf. Your father will be visiting tomorrow, so when you get home from school clean the house.

1. Do the dishes

2. Clean the living room

3. Do the laundry

4. Clean the bathrooms (both of them)

5. Clean your room

6. Clean the guest bedroom (only if you have time)

-Love you sweetly, Mom.

I sigh heavily. "Urgh, Rex you see this?" I held the paper in front of his face. He barks.

I shove three more pieces of bacon in my mouth and throw a sausage link at Rex. I go to the fridge and get my lunchbox off the top shelf. I put a whole fried egged in my mouth and tossed the other one on the floor, as I grab my backpack that was next to the fridge.

I put the lunchbox in my bag and then went out the door. I waited for Rex to come out before I shut and locked the door.

Rex followed me as I walked to my bus stop. Almost close enough to touch, but not quite. I never needed a leash for him, he always listened to me and never ran from me, no matter what was going on. It was weird at first but I got used to it. I'd always let him out when I went to school, and he would be loose until I came home or until he came scratching at the door after I had come home. He never got into any trouble that I know of so I just let him be.

When I got to my bus stop I sat down on the curb. Rex laid down beside me and put his head on my legs and I began petting him. The rising sun seemed to set the sky on fire with its brilliant colors.

I felt someone breathing down my neck and I spun my head around and was nose to nose with Sariah. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips before sitting down beside me.

She was wearing black skinny jeans and a form fitting black shirt. She had a black hat on, her golden hair flowing around her face down to the bottom of her breast. She on some eye makeup and black lipstick.

"Thanks a lot." I say as I wipe of the lipstick that I knew was on my lips.

"Good morning to you too. So we going for matching goth couple today?" Sariah said with a smile.

I looked down at my own clothes and realized I was wearing the same thing as Sariah. "Huh, I guess so. Got a black sweater?" I ask as I look back up at her.

She takes off her backpack and opens it. As she digs through her bag I take off mine and open it. We pull out our hoodies at the same time.

Both black, of course.

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