chapter 32~

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Philips pov

Christmas seemed to come too quick for me. I hated haley more than ever, y/n refused to speak to me, and i have to spend christmas with her because our dads basically love each other.

Well, not basically.

Martha's baby was coming quick too. There are all these great things happening and all I can think about is y/n not liking me. I guess that's the bitch of living.

My mom and the rest of my cheery family got into the car and drove.

"So pippy, are you excited to see y/n? I feel like we havent heard from her in a while."

My eyes widened at my mom's words. And i oop-

"Uhh, yeah. We still most definitely hang out all the time."

Dad almost spat out his drink in disbelief. Nonono u idiot please dont-

"What about.. the picture?"

I covered my face with my hands as angelica looked confused. Mom turned the car, not really acknowledging anybody else and humming along to old town road on the radio.

"Hehe, yeah about that-"


"Lexy! Why would you say that?"

"Hey! What about me! I never know anything that's going on!"

Every member of the hamilton family began arguing. We finally arrived at the house, still yelling at each other.

your pov

i was really dreading this night with the hamiltons. I love them all, well

all except one.

i suddenly heard arguing from outside the house, so i peered out the window to the hamiltons black suv, filled to the brim with angry people.

i quickly walked away from the window, contemplating life.

nononono why does life gotta do me like this im a great person i promise i am please dont make me-


Alexander had busted through the door, bottle of tequila in his hand.

i wanted to scream and run away. disappear. do literally ANYTHING to be out of this situation right now.

"y/n! how've ya been? i feel like you've changed a lot!"

i shot him an awkward smile and walked to the kitchen, where my dad was fighting the coffee pot.

"stupid fucking pot doesnt know how to make stupid fucking shitty ass coffee! oh, hi hedgehog."

"...the hamiltons are here"

dad ran away from the coffee pot and addressed his friends in the living room. i shot my eyes over to see philip, looking at the floor.


why does life ever happen.

i slowly walked into the living room, alexander chugging the half empty alcohol bottle, eliza shaking her head.

"if this ends up like last time, i swear to god i will make you sleep outside alexander."

alex puts down the bottle and throws a peace sign at his wife.

eliza groaned and made her over to where my mom and i were standing.

"martha!! i cant believe the baby is almost here!"

"oh me neither, and y/n is going to be a great older sister and i know it!"

i averted my eyes and sat beside the window, still listening to the conversation. They really just talked about mom things, and then it was time for dinner.

i sat next to angelica and my dad, philip directly across from me. I was going to apologize for overreacting about his penis, but i decided to wait.

wait until he apologized to me for being the worlds largest fuckboy.

suddenly, my mother rose from her seat.

"Washingtons and hamiltons, i have an announcement to make."

aaaaaand cliffhanger. alrighty gamers, i really glad that you all are enjoying my story because im really on a time crunch because of in the heights, which im beyond excited about. and, ive decided to name my ensemble character justin after 21 chump streets justin laboy. idk if you care to hear stories but im having a lot of fun and a lot of stupid stuff goes on backstage. heres a story:

at the end of the opening number, theres a part where i get on my partners shoulders because im so light (the very end where it goes "in washington heights! *beat*") well, idk what was going on with him that day, but he was a bit off to begin with. Everything was going ok, i danced like i was told to, sang, and acted like how justin laboy would. so when we got to the end, the climbed the steps that were a part of the set and my partner squatted down so i could get on. well, he got up too quick because when he stood up my leg was still on the steps and i fell fowards, making sure not to drag my partner down with me. but the funny thing was, i landed on the beat so it was "IN WASHINGTOM HEIGHTS *BEAT BUT ALSO ME FALLING*" and our director, assistant director, choreographer, and crew were laughing at me. i literally almost broke my arm and had to drop out of the show and they were laughing lmao i love theatre.

make sure to stick around for more fun backstage crap!! i leave for tour in two weeks (i get to miss school in the process so thats p fun)

Blow us all away ~Philip Hamilton x reader~ ON HOLDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang