Chapter 5~

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Phillops pov

I had started to text y/n. She was a riot! Who wouldn't want a girlfriend like her? Wait, girlfriend? I seriously don't like her like that. She's just a friend. Maybe for now, until I see her under my sheets. PHILIP STOP!! Mother would kill you knowing you opened a young girls' legs. Y/n.. her name rang in my head like a church bell

I look at my phone. No new texts from y/n, who I have graciously named {cute nickname for you}. I mean, there are so many other girls. They all flock to me. Why don't I just date them? Would y/n be too jealous?


I screamed. Everything is silent. Someone knocks at the door. It is opened to see my dad.

"Philip John Hamilton. You know damn better to scream at this hour. Blah blah blah, dad stuff. Who's y/n? You got a girlfriend on the first day of school? That's the son I'm proud to have!"

I laughed. Dad says I'm just like him when he was young. A tomcat. I began to describe the situation at school only to find out mom told him. He pretended to be disappointed at first, but ended up happy with the result.

Y/n's pov

The next day was hard. I couldn't leave the house without being enterrogated by my family.

"Who were you talking to last night?"
My dad asked, obviously suspicious that I was rulebreaking.

"Oh, I made a friend at school yesterday. I was talking to him about.. homework."
I replied, hoping that they wouldn't catch the "him" I had dropped.

"And why wasn't I aware of this?"

There was a pause.

"Wait, a HIM?!"
My mother screamed so loud that North Korea could hear her. I lowered my head and blushed.

"You mean to tell me that my baby has a BOYFRIEND, and you didn't tell me?!?"
We both started spratically jumping up and down until my dad stopped it

"Y/n, you know damn well that you aren't allowed to days until you graduate."

"Well, we aren't dating, but he sure is cute!"
I replied with hope a sense of helplessness in my eyes. Father shook his head and walked into his study. Mom had already been out to the car.

Blow us all away ~Philip Hamilton x reader~ ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now