let me explain

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"Wow!! A new chapter!!" Nah nah bitch i just have news.

So, since you guys are essentially my best friends, i thought i should be more specific than "a project im doing".

It is with great pleasure to announce i will be in a production of in the heights ON TOUR, WHAT????

i am truly living my dream of becoming an actor and i had a great idea of making sort of like a diary book where i just do updates of my life???

Like yall can ask me questions and that'll be the topic of the next entry, we can give each other advice, talk about random ass shit, but i wanted to check in with my loving followers and friends before doing that.

Also, chapter 31 of Blow Us All Away coming soon!!

Thank you all so much for being supportive of my life because it's super stressful being in this industry ass a teen and the people around me have helped me a lot.

Speaking of the tour, i will be touring around different places in my state performing in the heights for 4 nights a week for 5 weeks (it's going to be wild and im so hype for my rehearsals) im in the ensemble, so naturally there is a lot of dancing and singing, and that's what i love doing so it all worked out. I am grateful for this situation and grateful for the next 3 months of rehearsing.

So yeah, respond in the comments about this update! Im always open to different ideas, so dont be afraid to be opinionated :)

Lots of love,


Blow us all away ~Philip Hamilton x reader~ ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now