Chapter 14~

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Y/ns pov

Philip and I went back into the gym to find Haley crying in a corner surrounded by her social hand maidens. I held his hand tightly as she stared at me with a look of death. Phillip pulled me away from her into the middle of the dance floor. My favorite song started playing (a/n thats my favorite dance song so uh yee)

"Awh I love this song" I start dancing like an idiot and grab his hands and make him join me. Soon we are slow dancing to the upbeat of the song.

"Dirty laundry is piling in her room"
Philip looks down at me and smiles warmly.
"She's got her secrets, yeah I got mine too."
I wanted so much in that moment. I  pull into him closer and closer. Then I remember when I felt differently about him.
"I don't care about what you did, only care about what we do."
I pull away from him and remember it
"Dirty laundry,"

"What's the matter y/n?" Philip asked sweetly.

"Looks good on youuu~~"

As the beat dropped after the chorus, I pulled him into my lips and we kissed like we were the only ones in the room. He pulled away from me. He  seemed weirded out
Nice going, dumbass.
I ran away from him into an empty hallway. Why did I think that was a good idea? Of course, he went a-looking for me. He finally saw me, sitting against the wall, staring at the other blank side. Not knowing what was going on, I suddenly got tired and then everything went black.

In my mysterious dream state, I saw Philip. And he was holding two small babies, humming a soft lullaby to them to make sure they are properly dozing and sleeping. You walked over and tried to take one of the babies, but you hand just flew right through philip. You tried again and again, panicking as you began crying. You then woke up in the nurses office, Philip's arm around you and his eyes looking right into yours. He took you in tightly for a hug.

"Oh god y/n, thank god you're alright."

My head hurts like a bitch.

It was no one else in the office, and everyone that was in the school currently was downstairs.

We have this whole room to ourselves

"Fuck yeah we do. But we can't do whatever we want just yet, the cameras will pick it up."

Shit I said that out loud.

"Uhh.. yeah.. better get to a.. uh.. unrecorded room.."

Philip chuckled and walked over to me with a cup of water in his hands.

"And do what exactly?"
I sipped the water carefully and choked when I heard his next words.
"We can't fuck in the middle of a school, y/n. It's probably illegal."

"Since when did I ever say I wanted to fuck you?"

"You have a problem with your brain-to-mouth tube. I've heard weird things from you. Things I thought you would never say."

I felt a lot of heat rise up in my cheeks.

"Uhh.. yeah?. Like what?"

Philip tried his most horny girl voice.
" 'Oh my gosh! This kids a god!' And 'I do not wanna have sex with Philip hamilton, no matter how much my body desires it!'"

I covered my face and turned the opposite way.

"Hey don't worry kid, I would wanna fuck me too."

"Well you wouldn't wanna do it with me.. I'm not that attractive.. or funny.. or.."
That was when I started crying. Not like a few cute tears, I mean like a full on rainstorm on my face. I put my head on the pillow and curled up into a ball. Philip ran over and hugged me.

"Nonononono, y/n, you're beautiful. I couldn't ask for anyone else. Please don't tell me that this is gonna be a problem" he pulled up my head by my chin and looked at me sincerely. "Because if it is, I will do anything I can to make you believe you are the most amazing girl alive."

I giggled, with tears running down my face, and I immediately regretted my answer to his promise.

"Then have sex with me."

I looked at him and smiled at his sudden response. He looked surprised, but his words were very chipper.

"Well.. Okay!"

~lemon..sort of ??~

He lifted my by legs and grabbed my ass. My legs wrapped around him and he slammed me against the wall. He started to trail kisses down my neck and onto my collar bone, where my sweet spot was. I gasped and screamed out

"Not- Now!"

He dropped me and I landed on the floor.

I giggled awkwardly and we both sat on the bed. He put his arm around me and I laid my head in the crook of his neck.

I checked my phone and looked at the time.

"Shit! It's time to go!"
I kissed his cheek and ran out the door.

"Bye pip! Love you!"

I ran out the front entrance and I found my mom's car.

"Hi sweetie! How was your dance? Did you meet anyone cute?"

I buckled my seat belt and replied to her.

"It was really good."

We drove home.

Blow us all away ~Philip Hamilton x reader~ ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now