Chapter 13~

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(Still philips pov)

I was about to dance with y/n until I was dragged away by a mysterious group of hands. Haley and her squad of losers. She dragged me outside and told me her 'plan'.

"So like, basically all we're gonna do is kill her, and say it was just her allergies. She'll go like, outside because she's a stupid depressed mess and like, cry and we'll light it, and she'll pass out from asthma. I'll take her inhaler before she can save herself."

Before I could argue, she covered my mouth.

"Shh, shh. We can finally be together now. I know you missed me."

She pulled me in for a kiss, but I resisted and pushed her away. She threw me a glare and began her plan.

Haley pulled out a box of cigarettes and put one in my hand, her hand, and two of her friends' hands. Pulling out the lighter, one of Haley's friends crept closer and closer to the corner of the school, checking to make sure y/n was there.

Haley dragged us all close and she lit mine and hers cig. She threw the lighter to her friends and they lit one too. Haley, being Haley, pulled my by the neck and made ours touch, creating more smoke.

"Awh!" Her two friends uttered. We all suddenly heard y/n coughing. They waited until y/n was wheezing, and then threw down the drugs and presented us to y/n. Haley took her bag and smirked at her. Last thing I knew, I was grabbed by my neck and kissed, but poorly kissed. Haley threw down y/n's bag and stomped away.

I ran straight for y/n. I placed a hand on her back and pulled out her inhaler, which she took and got her breathing back on track. I felt so bad about this whole thing, I just kissed her. To show her how I feel. She retracted and looked at me with her beautiful eyes. It was like the sky's the limit when I looked at them.

"Philip.. I thought you weren't gonna be around her?" She said. The sky in her eyes was gray and cloudy. I tried to conjure up a response that woulf help her.

"I know.. she made me.. I'm so sorry y/ n.. I shouldn't have let her do that. I tried, but she promised your happiness and no one can put a price on that."

I meant every word. She began to look happy again, and I was feeling glad she was. I wiped off one of her tears and she began her next sentence with a whimper.

"I know.. I can't stay mad at you Pippy."

I hated when she called me that because it made me feel all fuzzy inside. She pulled me in closer and we finally kissed, and then she cut it off. Apparently I was being dumb, because I asked her

"Uh.. y/n? Would you like to maybe.. I don't know.. be my.. more than friend?"

Damnit Philip. You're dumb.

She giggled.

"You mean girlfriend? And I would love to, but you need to convince me."

Her giggle would be the death of me. She seemed like the type who would want sex, but never experience it. So I decided to give her a little taste of Philip Johm Hamilton.

I pulled her in by the hips and put her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around me and began to touch my chest. That's when I stopped.

"You can have more if you say yes"

said in what I tried to be my most sexy voice possible.

"Fine." She said. Yes! I deserve ice cream. I picked her up and spun her in the air and we both walked back into the school and continued with the dance, with Haley nowhere to be seen.

Blow us all away ~Philip Hamilton x reader~ ON HOLDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora