Chapter 8~

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"Dad, Haley may or may not have ruined my only chances with y/n."

He moved down his glasses to see me better.

"Haley? You mean that hoe- I mean, Jefferson that took your virginity?"

I laugh at this. "Dad I don't think there is a difference."
He laughs in response. He never liked the Jeffersons, so I guess him hearing me say that made his day.

"Well, what's your troubles?" He asked, willing to help.

"Haley said some things about me to y/n and I don't think she likes me anymore."

Dad pondered this, and then answered,

"Apologize to y/n. Try to charm her into your love. If all else fails, talk about your length as a joke. No matter how serious you are. Say it's a joke."

I was a bit confused on the last part, but if it made y/n Washington want me back it will have been worth it.

I thanked my dad, left his study, and ran up to my room, suspiciousally covered in socks that were filled with.. things..

I laid on my bed and began my work.

Pippy: y/n let's talk about today.

Y/n washing machine: Fine. Don't pleasure yourself too much from it though. I could turn on you in an instant

Wow. Okay. She's maaad. Her cute little face is probably all burnt up. No Philip, she isn't cute, and she isn't yours. She even said not to pleasure yourse-
..she pulled a masturbation joke..

Pippy: Look, im sorry. I didn't know what would happen. I thought after she broke up with me i woulf be fine. She just used me for sex. And i dont wanna use you for anything

Y/n washing machine: What do you mean by that?? You don't like me, do you?


Pippy: Yeah? So what if i do? You wont date me anyways. My length is rather embarassing when you see it for real

I used a length joke. I hope dad is happy, i insulted myself in fron of my dream girl.

Y/n washing machine: I cant stay mad at you forever.. and i must say, from the moment i tripped over you the other day, i thought.. highly.. of you too.

There was a pause. I finally won her back! My length saved the day! (Not the first time it has ;)

Y/n washing machine: and from what I've learned, pippy, your length is way above average.


Pippy: who told you that?!?

Y/n washing machine: you did lol

I sighed in relief I won her back. I ran to tell father about how my length had saved me

Blow us all away ~Philip Hamilton x reader~ ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now