Aaron confesses

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Kale stood and met me halfway. “Hey,” he smiled and pulled me into a quick hug. He doesn’t seem mad or upset. He looked furious when I walked up. “I was wondering when you were coming home. Hayden told me you stayed at Aaron’s last night?” his tone changed when he mentioned Aaron’s name.

I shrugged, “Yeah, so? I was babysitting his little brother.”

“I wasn’t mad about it or anything.” He defended.

“Oh, sorry. I’ve just had a bad night. I shouldn’t take it out on you.”

He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers, “You seem…tense.” He said, brushing his fingers over the top of my hand, giving me a seductive smile. He reminded me of Aaron when he did that. Oh god…Why am I thinking about Aaron again? It’s Kale I want, not Aaron. Who am I trying to fool? Myself? Kale? I do want to be with Kale, and I want Aaron to leave me alone now. If he’s not going to talk to me, then so be it. My Aaron free existence starts now…that didn’t last long. I started thinking about him already. It’s impossible to stop loving someone you loved all your life…wait…I just said I loved Aaron. I’ve always loved Aaron, but it was more of as a brother than love, love.

I took a hold of Kale’s hand, and looked up at him, “Is there anyone at your house?” I asked.

He shook his head, “Not for awhile. Why?”

“Because for once, I want to be alone with you. I need a distraction.” I don’t mean anything towards sex. I want to be alone with Kale for once. I want to know more about him, without thinking about Aaron. I need him to help me forget about Aaron. I need someone to, or else I am going to lose my mind. He scanned my face for a second, and jerked his head in the direction of his house. I followed close behind him as he held my hand. We walked into his house, and it was quiet. He said there weren’t, but you never know. We walked up to his room, which was alone at the end of the hall. When I stepped in, I noticed the king size bed in the middle of the room, covered in black silk. I was so tired, and that bed did not look bad. I felt awkward asking to take a nap in someone else’s bed. Especially someone I’ve only known almost two weeks.

I roamed for a second, and made my way back to Kale. “Bed looks comfortable.” I blurted and then laughed at my random statement.

He chuckled, “Lie down. You look tired. I don’t mind.” He shrugged.


He nodded slowly, and gestured to the bed. I shrugged it off and went to the right side of the bed. I was tempted to literally dive in, but that would be kind of childish. I lifted the cover and curled under it. The bed is just as comfortable as it looks. Kale was ready to leave, until I called out, “Please don’t go.” I said. I patted the spot next to me, and it didn’t take him long to come and lay down next to me. We lay facing each other. He held my hands close to his chest, stroking his thumb softly over the backs of my hands. “It’s not everyday I have a beautiful girl in my bed.” Did he really just say that? This is the time a guy says something rude and repulsive, but he had to say that? He has to have a flaw somewhere. Why am I even looking for one? What if he really is perfect? But nobody’s perfect. I watched his eyes as they scanned my face, waiting for a response. I didn’t know how to respond to that. “You are too good for me.” I sighed and scooted closer, resting my head on his chest.

“You need someone that’s good to you.” He started stroking my hair as I closed my eyes. He was way too good for me. I fell asleep a few minutes after. I couldn’t keep my eyes opened. I was up all night after Aaron had gone to bed at three in the morning. I stayed up until five, just thinking about him, and wondering if he hates me or something. He won’t talk to me anymore. I need to stop. I’m making myself suffer.

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