7 years earlier

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 Today Hayden decided I could finally see Aaron.  It’s been a week, and I was beyond anxious.  I couldn’t stand being away from him.  He’s still not conscious, which doesn’t make things easier for me.  I go back to school tomorrow, and I know this isn’t going to end well.  Hayden jumped in the driver seat, and I jumped in the passenger seat.  The ride to the hospital was quiet.  Neither of us said a word to each other.  He didn’t want me to go today.  He doesn’t want me to see Aaron this way.  I need to see him though.  I’ve waited long enough.

                We pulled up in front of the entrance, and I jumped out.  “Just call me when you’re ready.” He said bluntly.  I shook my head, “Hayden, I’ll be fine.”  He rolled his eyes, and I slammed the door shut.  I walked up to the entrance, making my way to the desk.  “Aaron Shadows.” I said, and she looked through the computer.  “Room 438.” She said as happily as possible.  Her perkiness made me sick.  I walked to the elevator, and waited for it to open.  It felt like hours have passed waiting for it.  I stepped on, and pressed the number four.


As I got closer to his room, the tears already started to well up in my eyes, and the knots in my stomach only tightened.  I finally saw room number 438.  I stood there for a few seconds, my hand on the door knob.  I took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly as I opened the door.  There he was, so lifeless.  Everything in my body went completely numb.  I walked closer, trying to keep myself from shaking.  My hands were out of control as I got closer.  I looked down at him, and I didn’t even know who this person was.  “Oh my god.” I fell to my knees, sobbing in my hands.  This is my fault.  Aaron is half dead because of the mistakes I made.  The choices I chose.

                I was shaking too bad, I could barely get myself to stand.  I looked down at him, and he was so pale, and his body was so lifeless.  It was an unbearable sight.  His lips weren’t the lushes pink I remember, and his eyes stayed closed.  He was hooked up to countless IV’s and the heart monitor would beep on occasion.  His heart beat was fine, just Aaron wasn’t.  The life is flowing out of him, right before my eyes.  I couldn’t grasp the concept that Aaron could possibly not wake up.  I cried more, just thinking about the possibility of Aaron’s death.

                I composed myself, and grabbed a chair from the other side of the room.  I pulled it to Aaron’s side, and I grabbed his hand.  It was cold, and rough.  This isn’t Aaron.  Not the Aaron that was full of life, and a big teddy bear to make me feel better.  I kissed the top of his hand softly, then placing my other hand over it.  “You’re going to make it.  I know you will.” I cried.  “You saved my life, and I couldn’t save yours.  You need to be okay.” I whispered against his hand.  “That night you saved my life, was the night I knew you were my forever.”  I began to cry again.  “Who finds their soul mate at nine years old, right?” I laughed a little through my tears.

                Every word I said was true.  Aaron is my hero, and the only one that cared for me more than anyone.  He knows things about me that no one else knows.  Like the night he saved me, when I was nine.  That’s what I’m referring to.


I skipped through the house, looking for my parents.  I found them in their room, getting ready for a date.  “Mommy,” I sang and plopped on their bed.  “Where you going?” I asked, and stood on the bed.  I began jumping up and down, until she grabbed me while laughing.  She sat me down on my feet, and leaned down at eye level.  “You know, Honey.  It’s mine and Daddy’s night to go out.” She poked my nose, and stood back up.  “Is Kylee coming to babysit?” I asked excitedly.

Sadly, she shook her head, “Kylee isn’t able to babysit tonight.  She has to study for school.” She explained.  I pushed out my bottom lip, and wrapped my arms around my chest.  “Well then where am I going?” I asked.

                “You will be going to stay at Aaron’s.  His dad said he would help watch you.”

I rolled my eyes, as best as I could.  “Why can’t I go with Hayden?” I suggested.

                “Sweetie, Hayden is all the way in New York, with Uncle Mike.”

                “Drive me there then!  It’s only a few minutes away.”

She laughed, “I don’t think so, babe.  You’ll have fun.  You love Aaron.”

I wrinkled my nose, “Do not!”

                “You’re still going.  Now go get your things ready.  We are dropping you off in a few minutes.” She directed me to my room, and grabbed a back pack from my closet.  She handed it to me, and left the room.

                I grabbed a few of my Barbie’s, and a coloring book or two and shoved them in my back pack.  I wasn’t looking for to seeing Aaron “Snot face” Shadows.  Boys have cooties, and I didn’t want them to spread to me.  My dad came in the room, and grabbed my bag, along with my hand.  He led me to the car, sitting me in the back seat.  He ordered me to put my seat belt on, and I did.  Aaron’s house was just around the corner.  He started the car, and pulled out of the driveway and headed in the direction of Aaron’s house.  I didn’t want to go there.

“Aaron, leave me alone!” I squealed.  He had this thing about tormenting me, all because he was my brother’s friend, not mine.  I don’t even like him.  He continued to take my crayons, and threw my Barbie’s across the room.  He had this evil laugh he did, as he took off running.  He ran up the stairs, and I couldn’t catch up to him.  He hid soon enough, and I couldn’t find him.  I called his name, trying to find him in every room possible.  I turned the corner, and I bumped into his dad.  “Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Shadows.” I said, and tried walking around him.

                He blocked my way, and I instantly felt scared.  I felt my lip start to quiver as he smirked down at me.  When he breathed, I smelt a funky smell on his breath.  It smelled like beer. “Excuse me.” I tried.  He didn’t budge.  I think he was drunk.  “Where are you going, little J?” he bent down at eye level.  He gripped my arms tightly.  He pushed me back, until I was against the wall.  I don’t know what happened to Aaron.  I began to sob quietly, hoping he would back away, and leave me alone.

                He dropped his hands, and I took the opportunity to run.  I ran into one of the bed rooms, and tried to shut the door, but he beat me to it.  He grabbed my arms once again, slamming me against the wall.  I started crying uncontrollably, begging him to let me go.  “Please…” I begged.  He removed one of his hands, leaving a smack across my face.  I didn’t understand why Mr. Shadows was doing this.  I’ve always liked him, and he was always really nice to me and Hayden both.

                “Dad!”  Aaron yelled, and tried pushing him off me.  But he just pushed Aaron across the room. 

He slapped me once again across the face, on the other side.  He hit me hard enough to bust my lip.  I saw Aaron behind him, creeping up with a baseball in hand.  Before Aaron wacked his dad on the back with the baseball bat, he slammed me against the wall, and I hit my head hard enough to lose consciousness.


Sorry it took so long!  And sorry this chapter is shit!  Now you know why Jenny is so attached to Aaron, and how Aaron saved her life.  I think I said Aaron's name a milliion and one times this chapter, haha.  A new chapter will be up soon! :)

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