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I pushed him off me, and sat up. He sighed and sat next to me. "Do I know her?" I asked. I tried to act calm, but something inside me was burning with jealousy.

He shrugged, "Maybe. I need to find someone who is serious. I need to grow up."

"Well, does she know you like her?"

He shook his head, "I've tried showing her, and telling her. I don't know how to. I think she hates me." He smiled. Someone hating you is something to smile about. Unless it's one of those I hate you so much, that I love you kind of things.

"What's her name?" I was throwing questions at him like I am his mother.

"If I told you, I would have to kill you."

"Is she coming to the lake?"

He nodded, "She should be. Is Kale coming?"


"This should be fun." He mumbled with a laugh. I would have to agree.

We stayed on the beach for awhile, soaking in silence. All you could hear were the waves crashing against the shore. The moon made the ocean waters sparkle, and it was beautiful. The silence never became awkward with Aaron. I knew he would eventually say something. He's not the type to stay quiet. But tonight he was. Something was bothering him, and I knew he wouldn't talk to me about it, but he wanted to talk to someone. I glanced at him from the side, and noticed his lips twitching. He was thinking hard about something. That's something rare for Aaron to do.

We walked back to the house, and it was quiet. I persuaded Aaron to spend the night. He was more of a guard than Hayden. I offered a side of my bed, and he greatly accepted. "Keep your hands to yourself and stay on that side of the bed." I laughed. I had my back facing him, so I couldn't see his expression. He just answered, "No promises." And I could hear the grin in his voice. We used to joke about things like that, but now I don't think it's so much of a joke.

When I woke up, I was in the same position I fell asleep in. My body ached to be stretched. I felt someone stir beside me, so I turned around. Aaron was waking up. He stretched his arms and settled back with a sigh. He stared up at the ceiling, trying to wake up. His chocolate brown hair was a mess, and he had small bags under his eyes. He pushed him self up, and settled his back on the mountain of pillows. As far as I know, he kept his hands to himself last night.

We both jumped when my door started to open slowly. Hayden appeared standing in front of my bed. He had a smile on his face as he plopped down on the edge of my bed. I groaned and sat up next to Aaron. "So you finally told her?" Hayden smiled at Aaron and jerked his head in my direction. I looked over to Aaron who was shaking his head back and forth like an epileptic. What? "Oh, uh, never mind." Hayden corrected himself.

I turned and looked at Aaron, "What is he talking about? Is he talking about your little girlfriend?"

"Wait--What?" Hayden asked. "You have a girlfriend and you don't tell your best friend?" he gasped like a girl and put his hand to his chest. "That really hurts, Aaron." He started to pretend like he was crying. "I just thought you--"

"Shut up, Hayden!" Aaron interjected.

"Then why are you in my sister's bed, Aaron?" Hayden put emphasis on Aaron. I am so lost with these two idiots. What was Hayden talking about? Aaron told me what he had to tell me, last night. But Hayden is on a whole other page. A page which is restricted to my viewing.

Frustrated, I yelled, "Aaron, what is he talking about? And don't lie to me!"

Aaron looked away from me and looked at Hayden, "Please go, Hayden."

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