Midnight Swim=Big Mistake

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"I can't believe you said that to him," Lea laughed. We were sitting in Finn's just a few miles from were I live. This is usually where you will find any of us. Aaron's cousin owns this place. Finn's is more of a sports bar. It also has the top deck with tables and umbrellas. That's where Lea and I are now. It's breezy today, but beautiful. I was telling Lea about what I had said to Aaron before I left. The whole making love conversation, and how he blocked Kale. Why does Aaron care about me anyways? "I am going to get revenge. I don't know when or how, but its coming." I joined her laughter.  

"If you do anything, fill me in before you go to bed." 

"I don't think I'll do anything tonight. He and Hayden invited these two girls over tonight they met at the beach. Maybe I should dump water on her and watch her scream about her hair." 

"I hope your kidding about the water thing." Lea smiled and choked back more laughter. 

"I'm not that much into getting revenge." 

Lea sighed, "Whatever happens tonight, I want to know." 

"Don't worry, I will tell you what happens."

When I walked back inside my house, I could still hear the sounds of hell. Also known as, Call of Duty or Halo. I walked into the living room and they were both sitting there with controllers in there hands and feet propped up on the coffee table. Seriously? I stepped over Hayden's legs and sat in the empty spot between them. I was pushing myself closer to Aaron because sitting close to my brother is just awkward. Aaron doesn't mind me being as close as I am. I could see his smile from the corner of my eye. I can't say I mind either.

At one point I laid down in Aaron's lap and fell asleep. When I woke up, I was still sleeping with him, but we were lying on the couch together, and I was in his arms. He kept me warm. I saw he was still asleep. I haven't taken a nap with Aaron since I was seven. It wasn't bad then, and I hate to say it do get better. I sat up and stretched out my arms. The sun was just starting the set, and the house was quiet again like this morning before dumb and dumber started blowing crap up. Just as I was wondering where Hayden was, I saw him jogging down the stairs and was soon standing in front of me. I felt Aaron move beside me and I looked to see him sitting up and stretching himself. I must have been really tired to fall asleep on him. "Looks like you two had a good nap." Hayden smirked. 

"I know I did." Aaron replied and wiggled his eyebrows.  

I responded by slapping his chest. 

I didn't feel like fighting back. I just walked away and quickly up to my room where there is no moron or idiot to annoy me.

When I walked out of my bedroom, my face smacked against someone's chest. I looked up from the ground and Aaron was standing there with only a white towel around his waist. "You really are a klutz, J." he smiled and offered me his hand. 

"No, you're always in the way. Haven't you noticed?" I grabbed his hand and like I used mind power, his towel unwrapped from his waist and fell to the ground. I quickly let go of his hand to cover my eyes. I fell to the floor again, clutching my side because I was laughing so hard. "Well, it looks like we are going to get naked sooner than I thought." He laughed. I peeked through my eyes to make sure he had the towel back on and I helped myself back up to my feet. 

"I wouldn't get naked with you if the human race depended on it." 

"That's very selfish of you, J." he smirked. 

"I would go skinny dipping maybe, but not with you. Give me a full bottle of Vodka, and then we will talk." 

"Your parent's have a full bottle, and you have a pool." He pointed to the lit up pool you have a prefect view of, out my window. 

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