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Each day, I dropped Ava off with someone else.

Each day I saw her smile less.

Each day I felt awful.

On Friday, she was shattered, Luke having done light exercise with her the day before. She agreed that it was a lot better, but she was still tired.

Harry was out with his friends, and he'd invited Ava but she declined; he actually looked disappointed that she stayed at my mum's.

My mum promised to encourage a nap, and to watch a film with her while I headed to work.

Somehow, I'd done the shopping for her birthday, everything pretty squished in. Ava wasn't in the mood at home, and it was really stressful to communicate properly.

I needed to check my emails at work. School had sent her drama award in the post, and Lucy was sending me details about the dog. I was certain we'd been granted it, and honestly, I needed it.

She wouldn't talk to me. I had to put past the hurt from that, amd focus on what we could do- we couldn't go on like this. If we didn't get the dog, I'd honestly be lost.

"Irwin," chief smiled, catching me on the way in "how's Ava doing?"

"She's getting there, she's gone to Luke's and Michael's all week,"

"Ah yes, everyone's moaning that they get to be off for the week,"

"I'll let them know," I chuckled, "I should go and make sure Calum's on task,"

I was itching to find this email.

"Of course,"

Quickly, I went to the exam room, logging into my emails. The computers weren't for it, but I didn't care at this point.

And there it was.

Calum was sorting out his equipment as I shouted, causing some to clatter on the floor.

"Cal! We're getting the dog,"

"No way,"

"Yeah, and so much money has been taken off. We do training next month, and then we can get them,"

"That'll help so much," he smiled, "and didn't she rave about South?"

"Yeah- I want to cry, this will help so much,"

"I'd say go ahead, but our first patient is here. Four kids, Ash,"

"I couldn't cope with that," I chuckled, standing up to accept his hug. I held him tightly, resting on his shoulder.

"Three year old twins, an eleven year old and a thirteen year old,"

"Wow," I chuckled, "could you get them please?"

I prepared myself, sitting down ready for them to come. After such a shock, it was hard to calm down, but my happy mood also seemed unbreakable. Calum walkend back in, mirroring my smile because that's how we rolled; if one was radiating happiness, it generally made the other.

Surprisingly, the three youngest kids also looked happy- the eldest didn't.

"Good morning,"


"Hello," I chuckled, "which one of you is going first?"

"Me, I'm Ava," one of the twins said, climbing onto the chair.

"That's my daughter's name," I smiled, "and would you like some cool sunglasses today?"


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