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Cal and I were doing burpees when Ava came over, slumping on the wall and sliding down.

We'd been to the shop where I bought the food, painkillers and soft food for Ava tomorrow.

"Dad, my chest hurts,"

"Keep drinking,"

"Are you nearly done?"

"Just a bit longer,"

We carried on for about twenty minutes, until it was clear the three of us were exhausted.

Cal and I took a quick shower in the gym, and met Ava in the lobby.

"You can have a nice bath at home while I cook," I told her, letting her rest her weight on me.

"One of the English teacher's came to see me today," Ava said, getting in the back of the car.

"Oh right, what did they say?"

"They were seeing how I was getting on, because there's been a change and there's a small class I could join,"

"Okay, well we will wait until I check my emails at home to do anything,"

"It might be nice, but I don't want to answer questions,"

"It would help you more, but we will think about it later,"

She nodded and leant back, her cheeks still bright red. When we were dropped home, I took her bag and her hand, going up the lift.

When we got into the flat, I went to the bathroom and started running her a bath. She came through with her book and a towel.

"You're all red," I frowned, gently pulling her hair bobble out, "you can say if she's pushing you too hard,"

"I'm just not used to it,"

"Okay, I'll plait your hair later, just relax,"

I left the room and went to the kitchen, putting the chicken in the oven. It was a lot for the two of us, but we would use it for sandwiches too.

A bit later, I started to put the vegetables on, and mashed the potato. I could hear Ava getting out the bath, so I made the gravy and started serving up our food.

She came through with soaked hair, and again, her fluffy pyjamas on.

"Have you managed better with your period this time?"

"A little,"

"That's good, would you like a drink?"

"Water please,"

It was important to me that this was normal conversation, and that she wasn't ashamed of it. She took our plates and sat down, not waiting for me before tucking in.

"I'll check my emails quickly," I said, turning the laptop on.

"She seemed really nice,"

"I will let you do it if you want to do it, or course, but I'm just wondering how many more teachers will come up to you,"

I had an email about the passport, and that it was being processed, then an email from Mrs Lockheart.

Dear Ashton,

It has come to our attention that Ava is behind in many subjects, which you are probably aware of already.

We by no means want to shame her at all, and would love to see her succeed by the final school year. She has a lot of time to catch up, therefore we think it's best she is put into intervention.

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