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"Thankyou for tonight," Viola said, letting me walk her to her apartment.

"It was my pleasure,"

"Can we do it again?"

I chuckled and nodded, stroking Montana as she jumped up.

"When were you thinking?"

"Well, I don't want to separate you from Ava too much,"

"She won't mind, as long as it's not like, everyday. We could grab lunch on Saturday?"

"Are you sure?" she said, biting her lip.

"I think she wants to go to her friends house, really, it will just take some encouragement. If not, she will go to my mum's,"

"Okay, well... just text me or tell me tomorrow. Thankyou, really, I've not had a night like this for a while,"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I said, "I'll see you tomorrow,"

I shut the door behind me and went to my car, hoping Ava was in bed. I felt bad for Luke, because I had kept him up late, but I'd had a good time.

The more I got to know her, the more incredible she got. She was beautiful, she was smart, and kind, and loving. Everything she did was with her best intentions.

When I got home, I went up to the apartment, finding Luke asleep on the sofa. Quietly, I woke him up, turning the tv off.

"You can go home now," I grinned.

"Can I just stay?"

"At least crash in my bed, the sofa isn't the most comfortable,"

"Thankyou," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes and leaving for my room. I turned the lights off and got changed into pyjamas, brushing my teeth.

As I finished, the door nudged open, Ava whining.


"Hey poppet,"

"I missed you," she said, "a lot,"

"You did?" I chuckled, hugging her.

"Yeah," she pouted.

"Well, I'm sure you had a great time with Luke. Have you tightened your expander?"


"Alright, I'll do it quickly then we will go to bed, okay? Did I wake you up?"

"Yes, but I don't mind. I missed you,"

"I missed you too," I said, grabbing the key and tilting her chin up. She opened her mouth and I turned it in the expander, putting it back away.

"Did you have a good time?"

"I did have a good time," I said, rubbing her shoulders as we went back to her room, "can you go to sleep for me now?"

"Your bed,"

"Luke is sleeping over, and you have your own bed,"

"I'm tired,"

"I know," I laughed, "Come on, I'll even tuck you in,"

She climbed in her bed and I pulled the duvet across her, kissing her head before getting in my own bed. It was adorable when she was half asleep, because she just mumbled here and there.

Luke was snoring, which I had to ignore, but I managed to get to sleep.

"Rise and shine," I told Ava, sitting on the end of her bed.

"I can't go to school,"

"Why not?"

"I don't think I can move,"

"I'm sure you can,"

"No, my mind hurts,"

"Like a headache?"


"Okay," I soothed, "would you be better at grandma's house? You have drama today,"

"I want to go but I can't," she said, getting upset.

"Okay, I will call grandma,"

"Dad," she cried, holding her arm out. She always did that when she couldn't formulate a sentence, and she was worried or stressed.

"Slow your breathing down," I told her, brushing her hair from her face. Her cheeks were flushed.

"I want you to stay off,"

"We know that's not something I can do,"

"But you should be allowed because I don't plan the days where I feel like this,"

"I agree with you, but we can't help it, so tonight you can see Lucy and then me,"

She started crying and I held her head to my chest, gently rubbing her back.

"There are days where I feel like getting out of bed is impossible too, when showering, and making food, and even watching tv drains me. But, I've got people that I know care, and I know that whatever I'm going through can be sorted,"

"But I don't know the problem, it just frustrates me,"

"You've worked really hard to go to drama, and stayed with Luke last night, and come out to town with me. It's okay to mentally need a day off,"

"Lucy will tell me that?"

"I'm sure she will,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't be sorry," I shushed, looking as Luke walked in, "Can Luke give you a hug while I get ready?"

I got up, and Luke laid down, letting me get into my scrubs. Then, I made the three of us breakfast, taking it through to her room.

"Breakfast in bed ay?" Luke said, "treated like royalty,"

"Thankyou," she mumbled, sitting up to eat the toast.

"I want you to talk to grandma a bit today,"

"I can't,"

"You can, don't worry about it,"

Again, she started crying, trying to climb out the bed. Luke gently pushed her shoulder back and wiped her tears, turning her head towards him.

"Let's not have these tears," he said quietly, "let's talk about why you're so upset,"

"I feel hopeless,"

"I don't think you need to, because you have such a great potential,"

"And I will always be here to help you back up," I said.

"I don't know why I feel like it though,"

"You have been through some horrific things, Ava, and you have come out of it into this wonderful place. Sadly, these things can't just be erased, it doesn't just go with a click of a finger. You've been left with some confusing and challenging emotions, which are hard to deal with sometimes," Luke explained, going at a pace she understood,

"Some days, you'll just feel like this, but what you've got are amazing people who understand why, but also understand that you are an equally amazing person,"

"They do feel challenging,"

"We will manage," I assured, "day by day,"

"What does that mean?"

"We work through emotions each day, and try to understand what makes you feel sad, so we can avoid it,"

"Or, what makes you happy, so we can do that more," Luke said.

"You guys make me happy,"

I let her shuffle up to me and pulled her into a hug, gently rubbing her back.

"Does it sound like a good plan?"


"Good. I want to see more smiles on you, whether you think it's beautiful or not, because seeing you happy is all that we want,"

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