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"You'll be okay," I said quietly, gently rubbing Ava's stomach. Mum had arrived which meant I could get to work, but Ava wasn't having it.

I didn't blame her.

She'd not had the easiest time.

"Dad will be back later," I said.

"But you're the best cuddler,"

"You and grandma are going on a walk round the hospital, then she is going to watch a film with you,"

"When can we go home?"

"Tomorrow, and grandma is coming to our house on Thursday and Friday to look after you,"


"I'm going to go now," I said slowly, kissing her cheek, "let's make today positive,"

She nodded and let me help her sit up, before I left to the office.

It was hard to leave her, but I was lucky enough to work in the same place, so I felt secure enough.

Stepping into the exam room was like going to a second home, which sounded strange, but this was where I felt comfortable. I was with my best friend, and I was doing what I loved- helping people.

I spent so long practicing in rooms like this, and knowing my mum worked so hard to help me get here made it even more special.

Everything had just sunk in this week.

"You ready for the havoc again?" Calum chuckled, coming in behind me.

"It's not havoc,"

"We do have a nice day, hopefully. I'll go and get Mikayla,"

I sat down on my chair, grabbing a mask and new tools. Cal entered with a little girl, and her dad.

Just like that, I was back into the work routine.

"Good morning," I smiled, "I'm Ashton,"

She hid behind her hands, looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Could you sit on my special chair? Our zebra really likes it," I said, taking the toy from Calum and putting it on the chair. Slowly, she climbed on, hugging the toy.

"Good job," I smiled, "I'm going to lay the chair down and use my big light to count all your teeth,"

"How many?"

"Well, that's what I need to find out. Have you had any fall out?"

"I have a wobbly one,"

"The tooth fairy will be coming soon then," I gasped, turning on the light and taking my mirror, "can you do a big smile for me?"

She did and I shuffled her up to the top, tickling her chin.

"Alright, let's count your pearly whites. Open wide for me,"

She shied away, looking up at me; I took my mask off and pouted.

"It's just me, and my mirror. You'll be okay hun,"

"Please can you be careful?"

"I will be very careful, is anything hurting?"

"No, but when I go to the doctors and they look at my sore throat they make it more sore, so what if you make something hurt?"

"Well, it's my job to stop that, so I don't think I'll do that," I chuckled, poking her nose.

"It's smelly,"

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