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"I bought some sunglasses," Ava said, rocking on her heels.

"Sunglasses? In the middle of winter?"

"For after winter,"

"Ah, good idea,"

"And, I bought some bracelets,"

"Can you show me in the car? Because we need to take Viola back to her home and then go to grandma's,"

"No," she whimpered.

"Harry with keep hold of you, and cover your eyes,"

"Drop them off first," she suggested, "it'll save the hassle,"

"Thankyou," I said, making sure they were all strapped in before pulling out of the parking space.

"What did you buy Lauren?"

"A new concealer,"

"Nice," I smiled, "and Viola?"

"A new book,"

"It sounds like everyone had a great shopping trip,"

When we got to mum's, the back three hopped out and went inside, while I took Viola back.

I didn't want her to leave.

"Ava continues to push limits, and it's impressive,"

"What did she do?"

"Well, she needed a new bra but ideally she needed a fitting, so with thankfully a patient staff member, she had one,"

"That would be uncomfortable for anyone,"

"It was, but I think her old ones were equally as uncomfortable. I picked up some more pads and tablets for her too,"

"Thankyou. I'm not clueless of course, but I don't think she's as comfortable with me,"

"Well it makes sense," she shrugged, "I'll see you tomorrow,"

"Of course,"

"I know you said you'd drop Ava off with your mum, but it honestly sounds like she's there a lot. Why doesn't she come with us? Or go to Calum's?"

"I don't think she should come, just because I know she'd feel uncomfortable in a hospital with someone she didn't know. Honestly, I completely forgot she could go to his,"

"I'm sure she'd love to see Duke,"

"You think about my family's feelings more than me,"

"Not true," she shot, "you've treated every single one of them today with so much respect and love,"

"Even though it was brief, I know my mum will have appreciated you coming in,"

"She seemed lovely,"

"She is, she's the best,"

"I might've said this already, but I love the glow you have when talking about those you love,"

"Well they are the most beautiful people in my life,"

"So that's the trick, to become beautiful,"

"You already are," I sung, "fishing for compliments,"

She giggled and looked at me, biting her lip.

"Can I?" she said quietly, almost unsure. I nodded and she leant forward, our lips fitting like a glove.

"Text me when you're picking me up,"

"I will, go and see Montana,"

She nodded and took her bag, handing me the change, then got out the car. As soon as she was safely inside, I went back to my mum's.

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