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I held her body in my arms, rubbing her back as she sobbed softly.

We were still in the court room, Georgia doing paperwork and the judge coming over to us.

"He's gonna give you a good life," she said, "don't make his life too hard when you're a grumpy teenager,"

"We won't be having that," I teased, letting her squeeze me tightly.

"Go and speak to Georgia, she's happy too," I whispered, quickly pecking her on the cheek.

Michael came over and hugged me, jumping up and down.

"I'm so proud of you,"

"I was okay?"

"Clearly, I'm gonna let you two settle in okay? Have this weekend to yourselves,"

He left the court room and Georgia came back over, Ava holding my hand.

"Thankyou for doing this,"

"It's my pleasure, she can visit,"

"Now you, go and have fun. You've got the best life ahead of you,"

She giggled and nodded, the three of us leaving the court room and separating. She'd brought her bag with her, and soon we were on the way home.

"We could call my mum?"


I smiled and rung her number, Ava's cheeks filling with some colour.


"Hey mum,"

"Hey grandma,"

She covered her mouth, as if she'd impulsively said it, looking at me with doubt.

"Oh my goodness! You did it! Ash, I'm so proud,"

"Got my own family now,"

"Wow... you two better be doing something fun today,"

"Just chilling, it's been a busy week,"

"That's always good. Well Ava, if you want to come over at my house on Monday instead of Ashton's office, the offer is there,"

I smiled and thanked her , ending the call and turning into the car park. Much to my dismay, the lift was broken.


"Hop on my back,"


"There's six flights of stairs,"

She obliged and I made my way up, sweating slightly with her and the suit on. I knew she'd be embarrassed if she couldn't make it though, and I didn't want that.

This was her safe space.

"Alright, make yourself comfy. I'm hopping in the shower so just don't set the place on fire,"

She nodded and went into her room, while I got in the shower. It all seemed to be going smoothly until I started drying myself, soft cries floating through the apartment. I threw the clothes on and dried my hair, following her cried to the kitchen.

"Hey, sweetheart, where are you?"

"I'm sorry,"

"What happened?" I said, crouching down to where she was. There was washing liquid all over, her body crouching over it.

"It was an accident,"

"I'm not mad Ava, I just want to make sure you're okay,"

"I was trying to help, but I've never used the dishwasher before,"

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