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I arrived at my mum's house and went inside, seeing Harry and mum in the living room.

"She's upstairs in my bed," Harry said.

"Ok, thankyou. Did school say anything?"

"She got on with Charlie, not so much the teacher,"

"How come?"

"She said Ava couldn't do drama or cooking if she didn't come in and settle every morning this week,"

"That's ridiculous," I scoffed, "I can't say I know exactly what she's feeling, but that's practically impossible. Harry, do you know anyone else that works in there?"

"Well tomorrow it's usually just Mr Carter there, he usually gets Charlie doing his work but I've never heard a bad thing about him,"

"Alright, thankyou. Did she do any work?"

"Some art, I believe she read after. I'd get home if I were you,"

I hugged them both, heading upstairs to Harry's room. Ava laid in the bed, fast asleep.

Carefully, I picked her up and took her downstairs. After whispering a thankyou to mum, I left.

I was actually quite proud of Ava, because this meant she was sleeping better. She didn't wake at the slightest noise anymore, and I'd got all the way to the car until she started moving.

"Hey beautiful," I said quietly, "did you have a nice little nap?"

"I am tired,"

"I know, how does a McDonald's sound?"


I strapped her in the car and shut the door, getting in myself and turning round.

"I don't want to go back tomorrow,"

"I think you had a good time,"

"It makes my tummy spin,"

"Well I'm going to see if I can get you Mr. Carter as a main person instead, and you will be doing those classes if you still want,"

"Ashton, I don't like it,"

"I know sweetheart, I wish so badly we could do something else," I frowned, going in the drive through lane. I ordered us both chicken nuggets, giving them to her on the way home.

"I don't want to go," she said, starting to cry.

"You're getting yourself all worked up babygirl, it's gonna be just fine,"

"I don't want to go,"

I took her uneaten box and put it back in the bag, lifting her out of the car and onto my back. She was sobbing, clutching onto my top and not listening to a word I said.

Once we reached the apartment, I took her to my room and sat her in the bed.

"Ava," I said quietly, "you need to calm down so we can talk,"

She wiped her eyes, coughing as she climbed over to me.

"I feel so stupid,"

"You're not stupid, you're not stupid," I shushed, cupping her cheek and gently rubbing my thumb across.

"You're a very bright girl, and you're growing into a lovely young woman. Being good at maths or science doesn't always mean you're smart. You can still make bad choices,"

"Am I normal?"

"What even is normal anymore?" I laughed lightly, "I will love and accept you no matter what,"

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