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"This hurts," Ava whined, brushing her teeth before bed. As any person would, she was struggling to cope with the sudden presence of metal in her mouth.

"You'll be okay," I soothed, rubbing her shoulders and kissing her head.

"You have to tighten this everyday?"

"It's only for a couple months,"

"No, it's four months, but in two months I get braces,"

"Okay, I'm sorry,"

"I am too," she sniffed, turning round to hug me. I held her close to me, rocking side to side while she just thought.

It was a hug that really meant something, and she was squeezing my so tightly I though I could burst.

"I know you feel rubbish now, but would it be okay if Luke came to look after you tomorrow night?"


"Viola and I are going out,"

"Oh, okay. Will Luke cook with me?"

"I'm sure he will. We need to get to bed," I yawned.

"Please can I go in your bed?"

"You can't sleep in your own? It will be comfier,"

"My mouth hurts and my tummy hurts, and I'm sad,"

"Alright," I chuckled, "go on then, but I'm going to sleep,"

"Unless it makes you uncomfortable,"

"No, but I'm worried you could be because of everything before,"

"I thought it was different because, because you don't hurt me, and I feel okay around you but, am I not supposed to?"

"Nobody can tell you how to feel, I was just a bit wary, that's all,"

"I don't like being alone at night,"

She got her stuffed animal and climbed into my bed, curling into my side when I laid down. Since I was exhausted, I turned off the lamp and wrapped my arm round her.


"What poppet?"

"I love you," she said quietly, cringing slightly after. It was something she'd never really said, and I had respected, because I knew it was way beyond her boundaries.

She probably didn't have a memory of someone saying that to her, nevermind saying it to someone else.

"I know I've not said it,"

"That's okay," I said, "I love you too,"


"Turn it off," Ava exclaimed, covering her ears at my alarm.

"Hey, hey, it's okay,"

"I don't like it,"

"That's why I wake you up," I shushed, scratching her back, "you're okay,"

Suddenly, she started crying.

"Oh sweetheart,"

"I don't want you to leave me tonight,"

"Well, it would be really nice for me to have this meal, but if you really can't then I will stay. Luke will look after you,"

"My mouth hurts and that was too loud,"

I wiped her tears, gently brushing her cheek. I mentally hit myself for not remembering to turn it down.

"Let's not let this upset you all day, it was a bit of a shock but it's okay,"

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