Chapter 32: Lilly

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"Is that-"

"Yes," Ella interrupted me. "And yes it's mine."

"You're pregnant?" I said.

"I don't know yet," Ella said. "That's why I said give me 3 minutes."

"Ella," I said. "How did this happen? Don't you and Gwilym use protection?

"Of course!" She said. "Well... usually."

"Usually?" I snapped.

"There was one night," she said. "The night before we left for Winter break. He didn't have any condoms left, but my period had just ended so I figured it was fine!"

"Aren't you on birth control?" I asked.

"No," she said. "I used to be, but I hated the mood swings those stupid pills gave me, so I stopped."

"So you used no protection and you're wondering how this happened?" I asked.

"Quit lecturing me Lilly!" Ella snapped. "I know it was stupid, but it's done now. Now, I'm gonna be pregnant and Gwilym's gonna leave me. I'll end up being a single mother and a college dropout." Tears started to run down Ella's cheeks as she sank into the wall.

"You don't know that," I said. "Even if it is positive, I don't think Gwilym's going to leave you. He loves you!"

"Yeah well, I doubt he loves me enough to raise a baby with me this young. We haven't even been together for a year," Ella said. I was about to say something else when Ella's watch went off. "It's been three minutes," she said. We walked back over to the sink and Ella picked up the pregnancy test. Panic set in as she looked at it: two pink lines. Positive.

"Ok, don't freak out," I said.

"How can I not freak out, Lilly!" She snapped. "There's a tiny human growing in my uterus, and I haven't even finished my second year of college!"

"It might be wrong," I said. "Sometimes those tests give you false positives!"

"With my luck, it won't be," Ella said. "I have to talk to Gwilym."

"Or," I said, stopping her from walking out the door. "You could make 100% sure you're pregnant first. I'll take you to the doctor!"

"No," she said. "Thank you, Lilly, but if I am pregnant, I want Gwilym to find out for sure with me. I'm gonna tell him and ask him to come to the doctor with me." I sighed.

"If that's what you want," I said. "I would go to the doctor alone first, but I'll support whatever you do."

"Thank you," she said. "Come on, let's get back to everyone. I have some news to share."

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