Chapter 12

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    The rest of Got7 and Namjoon eventually decided to stay at Jungkook's mansion. Jaebum and Jackson worked until around 3am at night until they went off to bed. By the next morning, the two of them were exhausted and couldn't do any more hacking until noon. Jungkook and Jimin prepared breakfast for the rest. Jungkook, again, made Namjoon promise that he won't step into the kitchen.

During breakfast, Jungkook watched as Jimin conversed with the members of Got7. More specifically, Jinyoung and Mark. Jungkook talked to Yugyeom and Bambam more while Namjoon occasionally striked up a conversation with Youngjae. He kept on complaining about how much Jackson was sleeping.

"Can't Jackson wake up a bit faster? I'm so bored....." Namjoon complained, groaning. Everyone else just rolled their eyes at him. They all finished their breakfast and Got7 went straight to work. Jinyoung was just about finished with the plan and Jungkook went back into the kitchen to make some food for Jackson and Jaebum ahead of time.

Soon, Namjoon stepped into Jackson's room and shook him awake. He was aware that he had a clear disadvantage when it comes to the offensive side, but he didn't care as he was still taller than the predator hybrid. He chuckled as he watched Jackson groan while he woke up, rubbing his eyes.

Jackson proceeded to wake up Jaebum, who went through the same process he did. They both went downstairs and ate their food groggily. Jackson occasionally glared at Namjoon for waking him up so abruptly, not that Namjoon really cared. Soon, Jaebum was wide awake and ready to work while Jackson needed a bit more time to fully awaken. Namjoon laughed at him while watched as Jackson slowly walked around the room to wake himself up.

In between chuckles, he asked something that made Jackson's blood freeze. "If you're having that much trouble waking up fully, do you want me to dump a bucket of water over you?" Jackson literally woke up immediately at the statement, sitting down at the couch peacefully, opening his laptop to work. "Damn, what caused you to wake up so fast?" Jungkook laughed.

"He literally threatened to pour water on me this early into the morning." Jackson complained, making Yugyeom call him out. "Uh, it's technically already the afternoon. We woke you up just a bit before noon, which meant both of you had more than enough sleep." Hearing this, everyone laughed at Jackson while his face heated up from embarassment.

"Well, whatever. It's pretty early for me!" Jackson blurted out, still embarassed. Hearing this, Namjoon sent another question towards Jackson. "Jackson, aren't jaguar hybrids supposed to actually be alright with water just like full-jaguars?" It took a moment for Jackson to reply, as he was setting up his laptop. "Just because we're fine with water doesn't mean we'd necessarily like having water dumped onto us at noon."

Before they could do anymore bickering, Jaebum quickly changed the subject. "Jinyoung, did you finish coming up with the plan?" Before Jinyoung could reply, Jimin got a call from one of his employees. He excused himself before leaving to pick up the call.

"Hello?" He said into the call, causing his employee to almost yell at him through the phone. "Mr. Park, can you explain why you decided to ditch work today?" Jimin sighed before replying to her. "I didn't have the motivation to come today. Stack all the papers on my desk, I'll sign them when I come to work tomorrow." Jimin replied quickly, hanging up before she had a chance to protest.

He didn't bother going back to the living room because they were probably talking about something that he 'didn't need to know,' so he simply went to the library. Despite saying that he didn't want to go, something just drew him in. After meeting Yuta and Sicheng, he became curious of what was going on in the secret passage.

Jungkook's explaination was very vague and brief, so that didn't really explain anything. He quietly slipped open the door leading down to the secret passage, gingerly stepping down the stairs. When he got to the bottom of the staircase, he looked down a long hallway. He didn't know what it led to, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to go further.

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