Chapter 6

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    Jimin woke up the next day to see that Jungkook was already awake and preparing breakfast. He could tell that there was something bothering Jungkook, but he didn't bother asking about it. After all, he didn't want to be nosy and pry into things Jungkook probably didn't want him to know.

By the time he managed to have an actual conversation with Jungkook, he could tell that something was VERY off. He wasn't the Jungkook he was used to seeing. He was a bit distant, insincere and almost a bit lifeless. It was as if he didn't feel anything between them.

Still, Jimin wanted to trust in Jungkook, so he ignored all of his doubt and believed that the old Jungkook would eventually return. At least, he hoped he would. Jungkook waited until Jimin left to gather his newly-bought suit when he went shopping with Jimin not too long ago.

He took off the casual clothes he was currently wearing and replaced them with the formal suit. He made sure to cut a small hole in the pants just so his bunny tail would fit. When he was finished, he went to the washroom to style his hair properly before locking the apartment and leaving with a spare key Jimin had.

Jungkook waited for the taxi and stepped inside the car. He gave the driver instructions and waited for him to arrive at his destination. He arrived at a mansion that was bought for him by Namjoon and paid the driver before stepping outside. He opened the large gate and stepped inside his home.

The bunny hybrid barely remembered the last time he was in the giant mansion. He was only inside it a couple of times before he had to leave on a mission a couple of years ago and never returned again until now. Now that he was back, he wanted to make sure that the mansion was still in good condition before he decided to coax Jimin to live with him in the giant home.

He opened the door with a key that Namjoon gave him recently and stepped inside his mansion. Jungkook was surprised to see that there wasn't even a speck of dust in the house even though it remained deserted for over 5 years. He was thankful that Namjoon picked out such a beautiful house for him as he continued to explore his house. He barely even had the chance to look around before he had to leave a few years ago.

He looked around and saw all the furniture and supplies that Namjoon bought for him a few years back. He was especially thankful that Namjoon wasn't the ones who actually shopped for them. Instead, it was Seokjin who picked everything out, from the rugs to the couch. He made sure to pick the most lavish ones, having Namjoon pay for them all.

Seokjin admittedly had a very good eye when it came to interior design and clothes. Basically anything to do with that category of things. Namjoon on the other hand had a unique taste and would often like things that many others wouldn't. Since Seokjin helped Namjoon pick, it made Jungkook's mansion a lot more aesthetically pleasing.

It took him a while to find his room, but he eventually did. When he walked in, he could immediately tell that everything was picked based on Seokjin's taste. It didn't take very much to be able to tell what kind of things were picked by Seokjin. His kind of style was the more obvious type.

Everyone knew that his favourite colour was either a pastel pink or white. He didn't like dark colours very much, so it made sense why Jungkook's bed had white bedsheets with gold accents. Jungkook turned around to see a walk-in-closet right behind him. He opened the door and walked inside, instantly amazed.

First of all, the closet was huge. The entire closet was about the size of Jimin's tiny apartment. Inside, Seokjin picked out clothes that he knew Jungkook liked. To casual hoodies and shirts to suits and even ties. He didn't bother buying any bows because he knew that Jungkook hated them more than anything.

The shoes Seokjin bought were what caught his eye the most. Just like the clothes, Seokjin bought them based on how formal or informal it was. All of them were bought from the best brands and were obviously very expensive. Jungkook internally reminded himself to thank Seokjin after he was finished looking around.

He looked around some more to find out that his house had a private gym, indoor and outdoor swimming pool plus a sauna and hot-tub. Jungkook almost couldn't believe what he was seeing. He was starting to wonder just how much money Namjoon spent while buying this house for him.

Luckily, it looked as if Namjoon didn't buy anything else for him. He was starting to feel really bad about the amount of money Namjoon had to spend on making his house look so good, especially in making it so clean. He assumed that Namjoon hired some kind of maid to clean up the place every once in a while.

If Namjoon wasn't filthy rich, Jungkook would've felt extremely bad for him. Even though he is filthy rich, Jungkook still felt bad that he had to spend so much money, even though the amount he spends might be considered a small portion to him. Just as Jungkook was about to leave, he discovered a library.

Just when he thought Namjoon couldn't get more extra, he did. Although Jungkook was sure that most of the books were bought just so Namjoon could read something while he visited the mansion, he still felt bad that Namjoon had to buy that many of them. He felt like it was going to go to waste since he barely even read books in the first place.

Jungkook was about to leave and go back to Jimin's apartment, but he saw that there was a small crack in the wall. He knocked on the wall and discovered it was hollow. He gave it a little push and found out it was actually a secret passage down to a basement of some sort. As he walked further in, he ran into a familiar looking bunny hybrid.

It took him a minute to find out that it was Yuta Nakamoto, one of his old friends dating back to the war. He was about to cheer and greet Yuta with a big hug, but only got shushed by his fellow bunny hybrid. Jungkook was confused, but kept quiet.

"Jungkook! What are you doing here? Don't you know how dangerous it'd be if you got caught?" Yuta whispered frantically, making Jungkook even more puzzled. "What do you mean? Just what does this secret passage lead to?" Jungkook asked Yuta as he whacked his brain, trying to think of answers.

"It leads to the secret base of Hybrids of Salvation. Everyone in the cult has a special tattoo that they're allowed to choose where they want it to be. It's a tattoo of the wings of an angel. For me, it's tattooed on my left arm. I'm not completely loyal to this cult, but I'm not a spy either. I'm only here because I want to attempt to lead Taeyong down the right path again." Yuta explained, making Jungkook nod his head in understanding.

"Does that mean that you're also participating in the crimes they're doing in this cult? I appreciate that you're trying to do this for Taeyong, but do you think it'll really work?" Jungkook asked, making the other hybrid sigh out of stress.

"At this point, I don't know if I can even make the old Taeyong return again. He's one of the founders of this cult, as you probably know. The worst part is, he actively encourages everything they do here. I'm trying to refrain from most of the abuse here, but I have to do it minimally or else they'll question my loyalty. Taeyong's recently found a human lover named Jung Jaehyun. I want you to at least get Jaehyun out of this mess. He's innocent, Jungkook. He doesn't deserve any of the things he's being put through because of Taeyong." Yuta whispered, almost begging.

"I'll try my best. Tell me something, is Jaehyun being pressured to stay by any chance?" Jungkook asked. "From what I can see, Jaehyun is staying from his own will. I can tell that he knows this is wrong, but for some reason he refuses to leave. I have a feeling that Jaehyun has already fallen in love with Taeyong. Taeyong might've fallen in love with Jaehyun as well, but I can't tell due to his behaviour."

Before Jungkook could ask more, Yuta used body language to signal him to leave. Jungkook nodded before quickly heading back without a word, silently waving to Yuta. He left Yuta to deal with the others while silently praying that Yuta would be alright. He didn't want to lose another friend.

He got back to his library safe and sound before closing the door to enter the cult. He rushed back home to Jimin. Jungkook refused to ever let Jimin know anything about this entire corrupted situation. He wanted Jimin's opinion on hybrids to stay innocent and ignorant.

Jungkook got back home in time and immediately covered up everything he witnessed that day with a smile. He did his nightly routine with Jimin. As usual, Jimin was the first to go to bed. Jungkook was pretty busy these days, so he didn't really have the chance to fall asleep as early as Jimin did. He texted Namjoon all the information he got from Yuta before asking him for a favour.

"Can you please investigate about a human named Jung Jaehyun?"

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