Chapter 25

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Johnny drank that supplement for the rest of the day. He drank so much that Seokjin had to nag him to stop as he was nearly going to finish all of it within a day. Jimin came home just in time for dinner and saw Johnny drinking that supplement while Seokjin nagged him to stop. He giggled silently with Sicheng and Ten.

The entire time, Johnny was giving Ten love eyes which made Jungkook gag. "Can you stop eye-raping him?" He asked jokingly. Namjoon gave Jungkook a look. "I see you eye-raping Jimin all the time, but you never see me complaining." Jimin gasped and covered his mouth, looking at Jungkook. "You do the same with Seokjin. You're no better." He retorted. The entire dinner table erupted in chaos.

Seokjin laughed in delight while Jungkook and Namjoon bickered somewhat seriously. Jimin gasped jokingly everytime his name was mentioned and Yuta would back up Jungkook. Sicheng and Ten gossiped quietly while Jinyoung and Johnny just rolled their eyes. The five young hybrid warriors just talked quietly within their group, not listening to what the others were saying.

"They're really something, aren't they?" Jinyoung whispered to Johnny. Johnny just rolled his eyes at Jungkook and Namjoon kicking each other from under the table. "I'm not used to this craziness yet. Are they like this everyday?" He asked in a whisper. Jinyoung sighed heavily. "They're usually pretty reserved. I don't know what happened."

"Reserved my ass. They will never be reserved in my eyes." Johnny scoffed, making Jinyoung chuckle. That chuckle subsided the moment he saw that Yuta started dancing on the living room table for whatever reason. "The fuck do you think you're doing?" He asked, trying to get Yuta to come down. Yuta shook him off and continued. "I'm pretending I'm in a club, duh."

Namjoon chuckled with Jungkook and Seokjin as Yuta started twerking on the living room table, occasionally doing slut drops here and there. Johnny was shocked to see this wild side of Yuta. The Yuta he knew was often silent when he visited, occasionally smiling and talking. Now here he was, watching the same Yuta twerking and slut dropping on a living room table.

Jimin quickly finished his food with Ten and started copying Yuta. Johnny watched as Ten twerked and slut dropped, being jokingly seductive. He looked over at Jungkook, who was basically giving Jimin heart eyes and eye-raping him. He looked back at Ten and started thinking that he looked hot while twerking and slut dropping, even if it was meant as a joke.

Seokjin snapped both of them out of their trance with a loud clap. "Stop eye-raping them, you can always get it on later." He turned to Johnny. "Not you, though. Your injuries are too fresh for you to even dream of doing that with Ten." Both Johnny and Ten flushed at what Seokjin said while Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows at Jimin. Jimin wiggled his eyebrows aggressively at Seokjin.

"You can get it on with Namjoon too. It's about time that you two get laid. Namjoon tops." He declared, causing the two hybrids to flush. "I-I'm not dominant enough to be his top." Everyone rolled their eyes at Namjoon's statement. Even the young hybrids who didn't have a clue what Namjoon was even talking about. "Your big dick says otherwise. By the way, I saw you go skinny dipping before around 12 am at night. I saw someone else too, but I couldn't tell who."

Hearing what Jimin said, both Namjoon and Seokjin became red. Seeing this, Yuta decided to tease them a little. "What else did you witness the two people doing?" Jimin realized what Yuta was doing and shot him a knowing look. "Well, I saw Namjoon pin down another hybrid who looked like a feline hybrid. They were pretty close in height and started making out while skinny dipping. I didn't take any pictures though."

Everyone knew who Jimin was talking about and turned to Seokjin who was as red as a tomato. Seokjin clapped his hands loudly and tried to change the subject. "Anyway, Johnny why don't you check your blood pressure with me?" Johnny looked over to Namjoon who had his hands covering his face and was clearly red. "Nah, tell me more about what happened, Jimin."

"I didn't see any more because I was tired and wanted to sleep. Now that I think about it, I should've taken a picture as a memoir. I'm pretty sure they had sex in the pool, so stay away from that." Jimin replied, causing Seokjin to blush harder. "Seokjin, was Namjoon good?" Yuta asked, making Namjoon blush even harder than he already was. "Y-yeah, I-I guess." The entire room erupted with chaos from those words.

"I-I'm going upstairs." Namjoon stuttered before walking up the stairs. "Don't be too loud up there, okay?" Yuta called out to Namjoon. "Shut up!" Namjoon yelled back, making everyone laugh at him. Johnny was surprised to see that Yuta enjoyed this kind of thing. The Yuta he saw was always reserved and quiet, so he needed time to adjust to this new, loud Yuta.

Johnny looked down at his body. He remembered how his wounds looked when Seokjin was changing his bandages. They were an angry red colour and it looked as if he got mauled by a bear. He didn't know if his body will ever look the same as it did before. Jimin noticed that Johnny looked a bit insecure, which made him ask Ten if he could talk to Johnny in a whisper.

Jimin excused himself and grabbed Johnny's wheelchair, rolling him into the elevator. Thry stood in the elevator in silence until they got to the second floor and Jimin entered him and Jungkook's bedroom. "Why did you bring me here?" Johnny asked after a moment of silence. "Are you insecure about your wounds?" Jimin asked quietly, ignoring Johnny's question.

"A bit, yeah." Johnny admitted. He wasn't going to lie and say he wasn't insecure at all, because he would be lying. They were silent for a moment before Jimin spoke up. "You know that being alive is enough for Ten, right? You do know that he doesn't care about your wounds or scars as long as you're living and breathing, right?" Johnny nodded. "Yeah, I know."

Jimin didn't know what to say next. The tension in the room was thick enough to be cut by a knife. "Do you love Ten?" He asked in a whisper, almost afraid to ask Johnny that question. Johnny didn't know how to reply to that question. "I-I don't know. I can't love Ten if I don't even know what love really is." Johnny responded quietly. Jimin nodded, understanding what Johnny meant.

"Then... do you want me to tell you how it feels to be in love?

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