Chapter 16

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It's been about a week since Sicheng and Yuta were rescued. Sicheng's cold was almost recovered and Yuta was basically back to his old self. As the days passed, Jinyoung noticed more symptoms of haphephobia coming from Sicheng, but he couldn't confirm them due to not being a professional psychiatrist.

Yuta was able to go outside in the garden and hang out with Jungkook normally while Sicheng was stuck watching TV inside all day. The rest of Got7 left with Namjoon as soon as the mission was over, but Jinyoung stayed due to being so worried about Sicheng. He was glad that Taehyun at least got Sicheng to open up a bit.

Sicheng was mostly quiet, only talking to Taehyun and Yuta. His responses were quick or were just nods. Jinyoung could tell that he wasn't very fond of Jimin although he never said anything. He felt bad that no one seemed to be focusing on Sicheng despite how severe his condition was. One day, he finally gathered the courage to talk to him.

He sat on the couch next to Sicheng, who moved a bit the moment Jinyoung sat beside him. "Sicheng, I just wanted to tell you that I'm planning on sending you to a psychiatrist the moment you're healthy again. I want you to get a proper diagnosis and attempt to get over your trauma from being in this place. It's not going to be easy, but I know that you can do it." Jinyoung said to the human, who widened his eyes and shook his head the moment he found out.

"N-no, I don't want to go...." he stuttered, tears stinging his eyes. Jinyoung shook his head, feeling bad that he made the delicate boy cry. "You can't stay like this, Sicheng. I want you to at least live normally with Yuta." The hybrid replied. "I'll get Yuta to spend more time with you. Don't worry, this psychiatrist won't be telling anyone about the cult." He continued, walking out the door and into the garden, leaving the human alone

Just as Jinyoung left, a smiley human came running in the front door. "I'm home!" Jimin yelled at the top of his lungs, pretending he was a celebrity walking on the red carpet. When he didn't get a response, he looked around to see Sicheng huddled on the couch, covered with blankets like he was for the past week. He saw the fear in Sicheng's eyes from the loud volume of his voice. "Well, I'll just go to the garden now." He squeaked, running outside in the garden.

Sicheng just sat on the couch alone. Taehyun was in the gym training and Yuta was outside with Jungkook. He felt lonely sitting on the couch, but he didn't really want to go outside either. The human thought about the things Jinyoung said to him just a few minutes ago. He was absolutely terrified of meeting a psychiatrist, but he also hated his current state. He felt pathetic and weak.

People were constantly offering him things, and he just accepted it. He wasn't brave enough to say anything like "I'll do it myself." He balled his pale hands into fists and gritted his teeth. He wanted to hate Taeyong for making him that way, but he couldn't. Not after all the stories Yuta told him about the person Taeyong used to be.

Before he could change his mind, he turned off the TV and ran outside. He knew that the blanket fell and got dirty, but he didn't care. He ran into the garden, joining Yuta and the others. Yuta was the first one to notice that Sicheng was outside. "Oh, Sicheng! Glad to see that you finally joined us!" Yuta exclaimed, pulling his human into a hug.

For the first time that week, he smiled. He didn't notice the shorter human sneaking up on him, tickling him from behind. "Ah!" He yelped, jumping up. He internally cringed, but he ignored it. The taller human glared at Jimin while he laughed. He didn't like the idea of anyone touching him unless that person was Yuta.

What he didn't realize was that Jinyoung observed him from afar, taking notes on his behaviour. He planned on showing all his notes to the psychiatrist as soon as Sicheng was healthy enough to face her. To Jinyoung, everything Sicheng did was a big improvement. He was glad that Sicheng was startingto comfortable enoughp to go outside. He didn't know what he would do if Sicheng refused to go outside.

He noticed that although Sicheng made it outside, he was still very tense compared to how relaxed he was inside. The wolf hybrid took a few steps forward and placed a hand on Yuta's shoulder. Using his body language, he told the prey hybrid to go with him somewhere. He watched as Yuta placed a peck on Sicheng's cheek before following him.

As soon as they were far enough from the group in the garden, Jinyoung stopped walking and Yuta's entire persona changed. "What do you want to say to me? I'll give you one minute to reply otherwise I'm going back." Yuta said coldly. "I just wanted to tell you to support Sicheng. I understand that you're catching up with Jungkook, but you shouldn't ignore Sicheng. I'm pretty sure he has major PTSD and maybe even haphephobia. Do whatever you can to try and support him, otherwise something bad just might happen to him." Jinyoung replied calmly.

"Are you foreshadowing that something bad will happen to Sicheng? If yes, don't say anymore. I don't want you to jinx it." Yuta snapped, preparing to leave. Jinyoung simply grabbed Yuta by the arm, forcing him to stay. "I'm not foreshadowing anything. I'm just telling you to stay by Sicheng's side because he's going through a delicate time in his life and you're the only one that he trusts. It would truly be a shame if something were to happen, don't you think?" Jinyoung asked innocently, making Yuta grit his teeth.

"Rest assured, nothing will happen to Sicheng." Yuta replied, storming off. Jinyoung only stood there alone. "I admire your confidence, but you shouldn't be so sure of that." Jinyoung whispered before joining the others. He found it surprising how fast Yuta could switch his personas. He was already giggling and cuddling with Sicheng as if his brief conversation with Jinyoung never happened.

Jimin dragged Jungkook inside the house, slightly jealous of how well he was getting along with Yuta. He knew very well that Jungkook was in love with him, but he couldn't bring himself to feel the same way. Even though Jungkook has done so much for him despite barely even knowing each other. He couldn't deny that there was a mutual attraction, because he was true.

He was absolutely whipped for Jungkook's looks and personality, he just didn't feel anything. He didn't get any butterflies in his stomach or an increase in heartbeat. To him, Jungkook just seemed like a really hot friend that he liked. Perhaps it was because of the lack of time they spent together. Or maybe it was because they didn't spend enough time getting to know each other.

"Jimin! What's wrong? You've been unusually quiet ever since you dragged me in here!" Jungkook said, trying to snap Jimin out of his trance. It worked and Jimin saw how red Jungkook's wrist was due to how hard he was gripping it. He let go immediately, apologizing profusely despite not seeing any signs of pain written on his face. He looked up to see Jungkook's serious expression. It was completely different than the one he held while talking to Yuta.

"You're feeling guilty about not feeling the bond between us, aren't you?" Jungkook asked with a poker face. When Jimin didn't respond, it basically confirmed his suspicions. He stepped closer to Jimin until Jimin was pinned against the wall and they were only inches apart. He saw the shock and the tinge of fear in the human's eyes. Jungkook leaned closer, saying one last thing before he dove in for the kiss.

"If you don't like it, pull away and slap me."

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