Chapter 46

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Jungkook released his tight grip on his sword, throwing it somewhere and pulled out his gun. He aimed it towards Taeyong and fired, gritting his teeth when Taeyong effortlessly dodged his bullet. "If you think a gun is enough to take me down, you're severely mistaken." Taeyong said before pulling out his blade and lunging at Jungkook. Jungkook barely managed to dodge, only inches away from the blade.

Suddenly, Taeyong stopped in his tracks. "Attack." He ordered, causing the last few hybrids to get into position, extending their claws. Due to exhaustion, everyone's movements were slowed. Taehyun and Yeonjun barely managed to take down another snow leopard hybrid from Taeyong's side. Soobin and Beomgyu struggled against another lion hybrid, who was much faster than them due to not being tired at all. In the background, Taeyong laughed manically. "Look at how pathetic you all look! You can barely hold your ground against my best warriors. I know because I trained them myself."

A smaller fox hybrid swiftly attacked Jackson and Jaebum, making them grit their teeth and attempt to hold their ground against them. It was hard because the fox hybrid was small, swift and fast. Their movements had slowed down a lot from when they first started, which meant that they barely managed to dodge the fox hybrid's attacks. Their breaths quickened as the fox hybrid swiftly ran towards them, tackling them both to the ground. Before the fox hybrid could do anything, Taehyun stepped in with Yeonjun and scratched his back with all the remaining energy they had before slumping to the ground.

Jungkook gritted his teeth at the sight and charged towards Taeyong. Taeyong simply kicked him in the stomach, sending Jungkook flying. Jungkook tried to get up, but his pounding headache was blurring his vision and balance. Slowly, he got up only to take another kick from Taeyong. Taeyong grabbed him by the hair, throwing him aside. "No matter how much you train, you will never be stronger than me. I am a predator hybrid while you are a prey hybrid. You can only curse at your genetics for making you weaker." Taeyong cackled.

Out of the blue, Taeyong saw a dart flying his way. He just barely managed to dodge, watching as it hit his strongest warrior in shoulder. He paid no mind to it, thinking it was an ordinary dart. When the black panther hybrid dropped to the ground, he looked behind him with confusion. Before he could do anything, he saw a short human male run towards him. "Shit, shit, shit! I hit the wrong person!" He yelled, grabbing a small bottle he had.

Jimin ran towards the black panther hybrid and pulled out the dart, making the predator hybrid spit out blood. The venom was already making it's way through his system. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Jimin repeated while opening the bottle of antidote he had and letting it drip onto the black panther hybrid's wound. After using up all the antidote, he breathed out a sigh of relief. "I know it hurts, but you should be fine now." He said before standing up.

What he didn't notice was that Taeyong was staring at him with his blade out and ready to attack. "If I kill him, doesn't that mean you fail your mission?" He asked, licking his blade. Jungkook's eyes widened, trying to run towards Jimin. "No, not him!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, tripping on a rock and unable to get up fast enough. Jimin just looked at Taeyong who was running towards him at full speed, blade ready to kill. Before Taeyong could do anything, Jaehyun jumped in front of Jimin and took the hit for him.

Jimin wanted to scream, but nothing came out. All he could do was watch as the body of his best friend dropped to the ground, a pool of blood surrounding him. Jimin watched in horror as Jaehyun coughed, blood coming out of his mouth. He looked up at Taeyong who was trembling extremely hard with wide eyes. He grabbed Jaehyun's right hand and pulled him into a hug, not caring if Jaehyun's blood stained his shirt. Tears dripped down his cheeks freely, not bothering to wipe them away.

Taeyong tried to put his trembling hand on Jaehyun's shoulder, only to be slapped away by Jimin. "How much more pain do you plan to inflict on my best friend?! How much more pain and suffering do you need?! Because of your hatred for Jungkook, you almost killed my best friend, one of the only people who care about you!" He yelled with as much venom as he could muster. He watched as Taeyong's knees trembled and dropped, tears dripping down the tiger hybrid's tears.

"Even in this moment, you're still able to cry crocodile tears." Jimin laughed darkly, gently placing down Jaehyun's body. He went over to slap Taeyong's face. It was loud. So loud that everyone who was still alive could hear it loud and clear. Jungkook had never seen Jimin so enraged. "You're truly a disgusting hybrid, Taeyong. I can't believe I ever looked up to you." Jimin spat before slapping Taeyong's other cheek and leaving in a fit of rage.

Jaehyun had his eyes barely open. His entire body was screaming out with pain, but it was nothing he wasn't used to. After living in that organization with Taeyong for five years, the pain had become a daily thing for him. Jaehyun saw everything. He saw how Jimin yelled and slapped Taeyong. He saw how Taeyong dropped to his knees with tears dripping down his cheeks. He saw how Jimin insulted Taeyong and ran away in a fit of rage. He saw all of it.

After Jimin left, Taeyong got up and started walking towards Jungkook. Jungkook grabbed his gun, pointing it at Taeyong with shaky hands. "Shoot me. Do whatever you want. In the end, I'm just going to tell you one thing." Jungkook gulped, finger on the trigger. Taeyong took in a deep breath before continuing. "I surrender." Taeyong said loudly before leaving. Jungkook's jaw dropped and then morphed into a wide smile.

Taeyong walked towards Jaehyun, who was struggling to breathe. Jaehyun felt a hand interlock with his. He subsconciously gripped onto that hand tighter. His consciousness was leaving him and he felt tired. The last thing Jaehyun felt was someone's lips on his forehead before he subdued to the exhaustion. Taeyong pulled Jaehyun's unconscious body closer to him, nuzzling his head into Jaehyun's now cold body.

"I love you too, I'm sorry."

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