Chapter 8

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Over the next few days, Jimin and Jungkook packed their things inbetween the breaks that they had. By the time the weekend arrived, they were ready to say goodbye to their apartment and move into Jungkook's house.

Jungkook smiled when he saw how excited Jimin was to move to somewhere new. He couldn't even imagine how long Jimin had to live in the conditions of that rickety, old apartment. It must've been extremely hard to handle with no air conditioning or heat over the winter and summer.

Due to neither of them owning a car, Jungkook didn't have a choice but to call a taxi. While they were in the car, they bickered in the backseat about who would pay the fee once they arrived. After a long period of persuation and pouting, Jimin got his way and happily paid the fee.

Jungkook pressed a button and entered the password, opening the large gates to his house. He watched as Jimin practically skipped inside the frontyard, looking around in awe. "I didn't know you owned such a beautiful house! This really looks like something a rich CEO would own in those movies!" He exclaimed excitedly while he looked around. Jungkook was barely even able to catch up with the jumpy boy.

"Hey, you haven't even seen the best part of the house yet! Save all your excitement for when you see the actual good part of the house." Jungkook called out to Jimin who was now looking through the large rose bushes at the front of the house. He sighed when Jimin just kept on looking at everything in awe.

Jungkook walked up to Jimin and dragged him inside the house by the ear. He chuckled quietly as Jimin protested while yelping in pain from Jungkook pulling on his ear. Jungkook couldn't help but enjoy it, even if it meant that Jimin would get mad at him afterwards.

The grip Jungkook had on Jimin's ear was immediately released once he successfully dragged him inside the house before he got carried away with just the outside. The bunny hybrid puffed his chest with pride dramatically as Jimin looked around in awe. Before they did any more exploring, Jimin made sure to take off his shoes to avoid getting the shiny floors dirty.

"You want some slippers to use?" Jungkook asked, throwing the pair of slippers at Jimin when the shorter male nodded his head. He laughed as Jimin tried to catch it, landing on his ass in the process. Jimin just simply glared at him before he happily dragged the rest of his luggage inside, changing moods almost instantly.

Since Jungkook knew the place a bit better than Jimin did, it was obvious that he showed him their room. "Hey! Why do I have to share a room with you?!" Jimin complained, stomping his feet and accidently tripping on his own slippers in the process. Jungkook chuckled as Jimin struggled to get up after stubbing his toe on the hard, cold marble floor.

"Well, you're obviously sharing a room with me because I said so. I'm the boss of this house, by the way, which means that you'll have to listen to me." Jungkook replied sassily, pinching the bridge of Jimin's nose. He smirked in satisfication as he saw Jimin yelp from pain.

The two of them started unpacking their stuff.... well, it was mostly just Jimin unpacking his stuff. Jungkook already had all of his clothes. "Sorry, you're going to have to use a walk-in-closet in a different room. Seokjin filled mine up to the brim, I can't squeeze any of your clothes in." Jungkook apologized not-so-sincerely, making Jimin pout.

After the two of them finished putting all of Jimin's clothes in the walk-in-closet after an hour due to Jimin's perfectionist self, Jungkook gave Jimin a more detailed tour of the house. He started with the living room, to the gym, to the pools and saunas until finally he got to the library.

Jimin noticed that the atmosphere in their mood changed the moment they entered the library. He started to get a bad vibe when he walked deeper inside, clinging onto Jungkook. He got more and more uneasy until Jimin stopped at the fifth shelf in the room. By then, Jimin was gripping Jungkook's jacket extremely tightly without even noticing.

"I'm here to tell you about the one and only restriction you have in this mansion. You aren't allowed to go past the fifth shelf in this library. If possible, I'd prefer it if you'd stay away from the library in general. You can probably feel yourself getting more and more uneasy with every step you take. That's your survival instinct warning you. Trust it." Jungkook advised solemnly, looking at Jimin with the most serious stare Jimin has ever seen.

"I don't think I'll even set foot into this library after today, but thanks for warning me anyway. I never liked reading very much since often times I can't find books that fit my criteria. The books I read are the ones you see on Wattpad, the app on my phone." Jimin blabbered, slowly taking steps back in an attempt to get out of the library.

Jungkook simply followed him back without any kind of complaint. Before following the shorter male down to the living room, he looked at the secret passage one last time and left, swearing to himself that he'll never let Jimin know. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Jimin called him from downstairs, making him rush downstairs to join the shorter male.

Jimin took Jungkook by the hand and happily skipped outside to call a taxi. Once the taxi arrived, Jimin dragged Jungkook to buy groceries, something that they totally forgot to do. They quickly shopped through the stores and made sure to grab everything they needed.

Jimin noticed that the people around them were staring at Jungkook in a lustful way, making him glare at them. He didn't like that other people were staring at Jungkook when Jungkook already said that he was his soulmate. He stuck out his tongue and made silly faces to all the people who stared. He knew he was being childish, but he didn't really care.

Once they were finished, they called another taxi back and got home safely with all their groceries. They put all of the food in the fridge, only leaving out the ones they needed to actually make dinner. They were so pre-occupied with the tour that they completely forgot to eat. By the time the two of them found out, they were already starving.

Jungkook quickly whipped up some food for the two of them, dividing them into nearly portions. While they ate, Jimin had something to announce to Jungkook. "You might be surprised by this news, but I'm actually having a day off tomorrow. Since the company is doing so well, I think everyone deserves a one day break."

"I'm sorry, but I have to go somewhere for the first half of the day and won't be back until around 2pm. Until then, I'll trust that you won't do anything to put yourself into danger. Namjoon already installed security cameras that will alarm him the moment something happens, so you don't have to worry about staying alone. If I had the option to not go, I would choose that option, but I don't have a choice. My hands are tied." Jungkook explained, making Jimin pout but nod his head in understanding.

"Alright, then let's spend the rest of the day cuddling after we finish eating! You prepare the blankets and snacks while I choose the show we're watching." Jimin planned, his eyes practically shining in excitement. "Okay, whatever you say." Jungkook replied as he pecked Jimin on the cheek before gathering the materials.

He went upstairs to get the blankets but found himself going into the library. He pressed his ears against the secret passage and listened to the screams and crying muffled by soundproof walls. Jungkook desperately hoped that he had enough time to stop Taeyong's organization from growing any larger. He didn't want anyone to get hurt or worse, having his soulmate get killed from the hands of Taeyong himself. He whispered something to Yuta quietly, surprisingly getting a reply from a foreign voice.

"I hope you're alright, Yuta."

"Yuta's fine, but Jaehyun isn't. Please help him."

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