Chapter 43

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Jimin watched as Johnny narrowed his eyes at both him and Ten. He looked over at him, giving him eyes full of fear. Ten took the hint and nervously hugged Johnny, trying to distract. "Johnny, what do you want to do tonight?" He slurred on purpose, winking at Johnny for effect. Jimin smirked as Johnny became evidently red at Ten's actions. The smirk dropped as Johnny cleared his throat and looked at Ten with a glare.

"Tell me honestly. What were you two talking about?" He asked in a tone that made Ten and Jimin shiver at the same time. Jimin was surprised to see that Johnny was actually terrifying when mad despite his usual calm, light-hearted manner. Both Ten and Jimin sighed in defeat at the same time. "Ten was telling me how he managed to get you to love him." Johnny raised an eyebrow at Ten while Jimin watched as he gulped and fidgeted with his fingers nervously. "And how did you get me to love you?"

Jimin was sure that Ten was internally cursing at him in his brain, but that didn't matter to him at that moment. "Uh, I might've watched a sad show to make me cry so you could go upstairs and try and comfort me..." Ten trailed off, looking towards Jimin and glaring at him. Jimin put his hands up in the air and backed away slowly. "If you watched a sad show, why were you in the kitchen- "Shut up!" Ten shushed quietly, making Johnny gulp and nod in understanding. "I-I never knew you had a sneaky side to you." He stated, squishing Ten's cheeks. "Ow! That hurts!" Ten complained and pouted, making Jimin gag silently.

"You guys are almost as disgusting as Sicheng and Yuta." Jimin said, making Ten glare at him, sticking his tongue out at him while walking out the door. Just as Jimin was about to relax, Ten came back. "By the way, when does Jungkook come back?" He asked, making Jimin's eyes widen. "Shit! I almost forgot to ask Yuta!" He yelled, running down the stairs. He aggressively tapped Yuta on the shoulder, making the bunny hybrid glare at him. "What do you want?"

Jimin smiled sweetly at Yuta, making the bunny hybrid gag and glare at him. Jimin tried his best to maintain a sweet smile while holding back the urge to strangle the bunny hybrid. "Yuta, when does Jungkook come back home?" He asked sweetly, before Yuta could roll his eyes at him again, he quickly pinched Yuta on the arm, making him yelp. "He should be back at nine. Now shut up and go talk to Ten or something, I'm trying to be productive here." Yuta replied rudely, making Jimin look at the TV and snort. "Productive my ass." He mumbled under his breath sassily and looked at the time, preparing to watch Anohana.

He looked at the clock to see that it was still 6 pm, which meant that he had exactly three hours to finish watching the show. With every episode he watched, the suspense built up inside of him and he felt even more intrigued. Ten was right, it was a very emotional show and he almost cried many times. He was a bit hesitant to watch the last episode, but he looked at the time to see that he had no time to procrastinate. Jimin sucked in a breath and then watched the last episode.

What he didn't know was that Yuta was peeking at him through the door. "Damn, I never knew that he was into that kind of shit." He muttered quietly to himself before going downstairs to continue watching No Game No Life. During the last ten minutes of the episode, Jimin couldn't take it anymore and started bawling his eyes out. He was starting to know how Ten managed to stay crying until Johnny came home from work. He would probably cry just from thinking about the scene.

Jimin cried silently after the episode was over. Jungkook came home soon after, noticing Jimin's shoes when he came in. He rushed to Yuta who was still watching anime as usual. "Hey Yuta, I saw Jimin's shoes at the front of the house. Do you know where he is?" He asked, making Yuta snort and point to the stairs. "He's in your room watching some anime." Jungkook ran up the stairs without even thanking Yuta, making the shorter bunny hybrid huff. "Rude ass."

Jungkook expected to enter the room to see Jimin watching an anime like Yuta said. What he didn't expect was seeing Jimin bawling his eyes out in their room. He rushed to his side immediately, hugging him. "Jimin? What's wrong?" Jungkook asked worriedly, making Jimin internally smirk because Ten's plan was going smoothly. "I..." He trailed off on purpose to build up the suspense for Jungkook. His internal smirk grew when Jungkook leaned closer to him to get a better listen.

"I just love you so much it hurts." He said in between sobs, trying to think of the last scene of Anohana to make him cry harder. Jimin sniffed to make it more believable. Jungkook smiled widely, pulling him into a tight hug. Jimin wiped his tears and smirked to himself while Jungkook was still hugging him, dropping the smirk immediately when Jungkook pulled away. "I love you too." Jungkook confessed before pulling him into a simple kiss.

After cuddling for half an hour, Yuta called them down to eat dinner. Jungkook went ahead with Yuta while Ten came out from the library and tapped Jimin on the shoulder. "Did it work?" He whispered in an almost inaudible voice. Jimin smiled in triumph at him. "Damn right it did." He replied in a whisper, making Ten high five him. "See? I told you it was a good plan." Ten said before winking at him and going downstairs to eat dinner with them.

As they made their way downstairs, Ten was starting to feel guilty about partially lying to his friend. He tapped on Jimin's shoulder, whispering in his ear once he got his attention. "You see, I didn't actually watch Anohana before confessing to Johnny. I did watch Anohana, but I cried because of other reasons." Jimin looked at him with an unamused look on his face as a response. "Hey! At least it worked!" Ten yelled, catching the surprise of everyone downstairs except Jungkook, who was busy cooking. He coughed, looking away.

Jungkook looked at Ten with surprise when he came down the stairs with Jimin. "Huh? When did you get here?" He asked, confused. Ten just pointed at Jimin. "He wanted to hang out with me. I complied because I'll get free food." He explained, making Jimin nudge him in the stomach and glare at him. "Shut up, short-ass." He hissed, making Ten glare at him flip him off. Johnny came down the stairs to see the two of them glaring at each other. Jungkook noticed him and his confusion grew.

"Then what are you doing here?" He asked in an unwelcoming tone. Johnny looked at him with an offended look on his face. "To accompany Ten of course." Jungkook looked at Ten who paid no attention to Johnny. "I don't see why you have to accompany him. He seems fine on his own." He pointed out, making Yuta snicker while Johnny let out a dramatic gasp. Johnny flipped him off and plopped on the couch, motioning to Ten to sit beside him. To his dismay, Ten sat beside Jimin instead.

Yuta snickered at him while Jungkook was in the kitchen cooking dinner for all of them. "Loser." Yuta laughed, nudging Johnny in the stomach. Johnny just had a look of betrayal written on his face. "This is probably the biggest betrayal I've ever faced." Johnny mumbled under his breath, huffing and moving away from Yuta. Yuta just flipped him off and went back to watching his anime. Johnny tried to watch with him, but groaned when there weren't any subs.

"How am I supposed to watch this when there isn't any subs?!" He yelled, making Yuta stick his tongue out at him. "Maybe if you learned Japanese." He stated, making Johnny glare at the bunny hybrid. Yuta didn't even notice as he was busy watching his anime. "For your information, some people aren't like you who laze around all day. I have better things to do than spend my days learning Japanese." Johnny retorted, making Yuta gasp dramatically. Yuta looked at Ten who was sitting beside Jimin and gasped. He tapped on Johnny's shoulder aggressively. "What the fuck do you want?"

"When the fuck did your dense self mark Ten?" He asked, pointing to the bandage on Ten's neck. Johnny smacked Yuta's head playfully, glaring at him. "Says the one who hasn't even marked Sicheng yet." Yuta just glared at him in response before huffing and going back to watching his anime. Just as it was getting to the best part, Jungkook walked out of the kitchen and paused it, making him groan.

"Stop watching your anime. It's dinnertime."

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