Chapter 30

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    A few weeks passed and Seokjin allowed Johnny to start walking again. The process was difficult since Johnny's leg muscles became weak from sitting so much. Little by little, he was able to walk again. Seokjin and Namjoon left as soon as Johnny was able to walk again, leaving Jinyoung to change and clean Johnny's wounds daily.

Jungkook wasn't surprised about Johnny feeling insecure of the scars from his wounds. Yuta was a bit insecure about it as well, but got used to it. Sicheng, on the other hand, still wasn't comfortable with being shirtless. His haphephobia was recovering little by little naturally, which Jinyoung considered as a miracle considering how severe it was when he was first rescued.

The bunny hybrid noticed that Johnny was slowly getting back on social media, something he's been inactive on for over two months. He also had social media, but he didn't have many followers, not that he really cared. He frequently saw Johnny taking pictures of himself and Ten around his mansion.

Going through the comments of Johnny's posts, he was glad that everyone seemed to be welcoming him back. Jungkook saw a few nasty comments directed at Ten here and there, but it was mostly just supportive, sweet messages. Before he could comment something on Johnny's latest post, he felt someone tapping his shoulder. He jumped, startled.

Johnny cackled at Jungkook's reaction. After a momemt of Jungkook glaring at a laughing Johnny, the lion hybrid managed to compose himself again. "Let's take a selfie together." Johnny offered. Jungkook agreed, not thinking much of it. Just as Johnny and Jungkook posed for the photo, Ten and Yuta photobombed them in the background. Jungkook tried his best to stay calm for the photo, but the fear was evident in his eyes.


The photo was taken. "Perfect!" Johnny exclaimed, causing Jungkook to panic. "You are not posting that!" He yelled, trying to grab Johnny's phone. Johnny raised his hand up, causing Jungkook to reach for it. "Fuck you and your 184 cm self." Jungkook whispered under his breath. Just as he was about to aim for Johnny's kneecaps, he was interrupted by Johnny's yell. "Posted!"

The bunny hybrid went on his social media to look through the comments of Johnny's post. He glared at Johnny every now and then before going back to looking through the comments. It was mostly comments laughing at him looking scared. It fueled Jungkook's urge to kill Johnny in his sleep one day. "One day, I'll have my revenge." Jungkook vowed to himself, seeking vengeance.

Later that day, Jimin came home to see that Jungkook was sitting at the dinner table with Johnny, glaring at the predator hybrid. Jimin raised an eyebrow and looked at Johnny, which made the lion hybrid shrug. He looked at Jungkook, who continued to glare at Johnny. "Okay... what happened while I was gone?" Jungkook huffed. "He posted an ugly picture of me without my permission!" He whined, pointing his finger at Johnny.

"Okay, okay, let's make things clear here. You're always ugly." Jimin snorted at what Johnny said, but quickly composed himself when he saw that Jungkook was glaring at him. "That's not a very nice thing to say." Jimin imitated one of those kindergarden teachers, trying not to laugh while doing so. "Johnny, you should delete that photo." This time, it was Johnny's turn to huff. "But it got a lot of likes!"

Sicheng and Ten watched Jimin try to discipline them like a mom would while trying to hold back their laughter. Suddenly, Yuta walked in and sat beside Jungkook. "You guys are just childish. Be a man, like me!" Both Jungkook and Johnny turned to Yuta at the same time, glaring at him. "You have no right to say that!" They yelled at the same time. Johnny and Jungkook turned to each other, glaring at each other before turning back to Yuta.

"What do you mean? I'm as manly as you can get." Yuta replied, scoffing. Johnny scoffed back, crossing his arms. "Weren't you the one who started twerking on the living room table and told us that you were pretending to be in a club?" Jungkook nodded furiously at Johnny's words. "Those actions were made by a child, but now that child is gone, replaced by a man." Both Johnny and Jungkook rolled their eyes at Yuta's words.

Within minutes, the three hybrids started a verbal fight. Ten, Jimin and Sicheng just watched them fight from afar, holding back their laughter. Eventually, Jinyoung came downstairs to eat dinner since he was hungry to see three adult hybrids fighting with no dishes prepared on the table. Angry, he slammed his hand down on the table. "Shut the fuck up and make dinner already!" He shouted, making the three of them flinch.

The three humans sitting on the couch rolled over from laughter at Jinyoung's words. The three hybrids immediately stopped their fight and complied to Jinyoung's orders while muttering curse words directed at Jinyoung under their breath. "I can hear you, you know." He said, making the three hybrids flinch and shut up. By now, the three humans were in tears from all the laughter. After a while of waiting, dinner was ready and Jinyoung called everyone down to eat. Once Jinyoung was full, his mood turned back to normal, making the three hybrids sigh.

Meanwhile, Jaehyun watched as Taeyong was back to overworking the warriors again. He missed the kind, sweet Taeyong he used to know. The Taeyong he knew came back while he was bedridden, but it disappeared the moment he was allowed to walk again. He clenched his fist. He hated this place. He hated this evil, malicious Taeyong. He wanted to stop him, but how could he with his thin, scrawny body of his? The only thing he could do is watch.

Ever since Taeyong awakened, Jaehyun noticed that he was less aggressive towards him. Not to anyone else, though. Just him. He found it weird since he had already accepted the fact that Taeyong would never love him back a long time ago. Now, Taeyong was giving him mixed signals, just like he did many years ago. He clenched his fists tighter. What was this supposed to mean? Did it mean that Taeyong finally started liking him back?

Jaehyun watched as Taeyong kicked Hendery in the stomach repeatedly, flinching everytime Hendery cried out. He really did hate the entire concept of the place. To him, he thought it was just all bullshit that would never become a reality. Sometimes, he just wanted to escape this place and— no, he would never be able to do that. Not if Taeyong didn't go with him. He wondered where it all went wrong. At times, he wished he could go back in time to prevent everything from happening.

The human felt utterly alone in the organization. Sicheng and Ten, his only friends, had escaped with their hybrids and were living somewhere else. Jimin? Well, he hasn't even had any contact with him for years until they had a brief conversation together a few months back. He didn't have anyone who he could talk to normally. When he talked to Taeyong, he would always stutter subconsciously.

Jungwoo, an unclaimed human in the organization, served Jaehyun a plate of food. Jungwoo would occasionally rant to Jaehyun about random things, but mostly about Lucas. Jaehyun knew that Jungwoo was in love with Lucas, and desperately wanted to be claimed by him. He just listened and nodded because he didn't have the heart to tell him that Lucas already had a girlfriend.

"Jaehyun?" Jungwoo called, snapping his fingers in front of Jaehyun's face. Jaehyun snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Jungwoo. "Is there something up?" He asked. "I brought you some food to eat." Jungwoo replied. Jaehyun looked down at the plate and scrunched his nose. It was the usual disgusting food that the place served. Even after all those years of eating this type of food, he still wasn't used to it.

Just as the human was about to take a bite out of the food, Taeyong saw this and grabbed the plate. He threw it on the floor, splattering food everywhere. He turned to Jungwoo, who was now shivering. "You, go out and buy food from the most expensive restaurant in the city." Taeyong handed Jungwoo his card. "Do it unless you want to face severe punishment. Tell them that I sent you there to get food if they refuse. No one refuses Lee Taeyong."

Jungwoo scurried away quickly and Taeyong went back to watching the warriors train. Yangyang, the youngest out of all of them, collapsed. Jaehyun winced with each hit Yangyang took from Taeyong. It had started up again just a few days ago and it made Jaehyun wonder something. A question he would never be able to ask Taeyong himself due to fear.

"Was Jungkook really worth all of this suffering?"

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