Chapter 40

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    Jungkook worked out with Jaebum, Kai, Jinyoung and Jackson. All of them were sweating and dead-tired. Jungkook huffed as he ran on the treadmill beside Jaebum. Jaebum, Jackson and Jinyoung all seemed to be used to buffing themselves up. Jungkook on the other hand, only worked out minimally to maintain a healthy body. Maybe it was because they were predator hybrids while he was a prey hybrid. Whatever it was, he just wanted it to be over so he could laze around all day.

He didn't get how Kai could work out for at least four hours everyday of the year. If he had to be honest, he just wanted to give up on training. Of course, Jinyoung would never let him unless he said so. Jungkook sighed and ran harder, taking in deep breaths. It seemed as if he was the only one who couldn't take this, and it made him feel weak. He wondered how much more training he had to go through for Jinyoung to be satisfied.

Jungkook turned off the treadmill, grabbing a bottle of water nearby. He sat on the ground, breathing in deeply. Jaebum sat beside him, grabbing an apple to eat as a snack. He looked over at Jaebum, who was looking over at Jinyoung and Jackson's interaction with jealously written over his face. "You like him, don't you?" He asked out of the blue, startling Jaebum. "What do you mean?" Jungkook pointed to Jinyoung. "You like Jinyoung, don't you?" He asked, making Jaebum sigh.

Jaebum nodded with a sad expression on his face. "I thought he liked me back at some point, but his attention went to Jackson instead. I can't do anything about it because Jackson is one of my best friends." Jaebum explained, making Jungkook frown. He looked over at Jackson, who didn't seem to be very interested in the conversation they were having. When Jinyoung had hugged Jackson earlier that day, he didn't see Jackson hug him back. He tapped on Jaebum's shoulder. "Does Jackson even like Jinyoung back?"

Jaebum shook his head, shocking Jungkook. "I asked him once and Jackson told me that he liked Mark. I don't get why he still has sex with Jinyoung from time to time though." He answered in a sad tone. Jungkook realized what Jackson was doing right away. "He's leading on Jinyoung unintentionally while using him for sex." He answered, making Jaebum's jaw drop and then clench. Jungkook sighed. He hoped that Jackson knew what he was doing to Jinyoung, because he hoped that the predator hybrid to stop.

If he had to be honest, he knew that he had no right to stick his nose in other people's business. After everything Jackson has done for him, the last thing he wanted to do was make him offended for whatever reason. On the other hand, Jinyoung was also his friend and he didn't want him to get hurt. He knew that Jinyoung wasn't very fond of him, but he still considered him as his friend. In the end, all he did was watch their interaction from afar while knowing the pain that will come once Jinyoung finds out.

Jungkook looked away, deciding to go back to working out. He didn't want to stare at them for too long or the urge to help Jinyoung would overwhelm him. If it meant that he could still maintain his good relationship with Jackson and Jinyoung, he was willing to turn a blind eye on the situation. After all, it wasn't even his relationship to be involved in. It was Jackson and Jinyoung's, which meant that the problem can only be solved between each other. He admit that he had only seen Jinyoung this happy when he was with Jackson, not knowing the true motives behind Jackson's actions.

He looked over at Jaebum, who was clearly having a hard time holding back the urge to punch Jackson in the face. Jungkook placed his hand on Jaebum's shoulder as an attempt to calm him before sending him a sad smile. Jaebum looked down at the floor, but didn't say anything and went back to training. Jungkook did the same, occasionally stealing glances at Jinyoung and Jackson to make sure they were doing alright.

Meanwhile, Jimin trained with five darts in his hand, ready to fire it at the dartboard. "Throw it." Taehyun ordered in a stern tone, causing Jimin to throw it immediately in a swift motion. Soobin clapped in the background when all five darts landed on the bullseye, a few dropping from the impact. Yeonjun smiled proudly at Jimin, giving him a thumbs up. Beomgyu just sat there and ate his chips, staring at him.

Taehyun handed him ten darts. "I brought another dartboard today. We're going to practice your ability to use both hands at the same time." He informed, causing Jimin to nod nervously. He was perfect when it came to his right hand, but his left hand was always a bit off when he used it. Taehyun had once forced him to use his left hand only during one training session. Needless to say, that experience had traumatized him.

The snow leopard hybrid hung the second dartboard on the wall, motioning to Jimin to start. Jimin's hands shook, but he steadied them and took in a deep breath. Closing his eyes, he threw all ten darts from both of his hands at the same time. He opened one eye nervously, scared to see the results. He sighed when he saw that the darts from his left hand didn't hit the bullseye. Again. Taehyun handed him five darts, putting it in his left hand. "Train until you can get it into the middle." He ordered, making Jimin internally groan.

Luckily, Soobin had interrupted Taehyun before he could order Jimin to start. "Taehyun, do you really need him to be so perfect? He's just someone who's going to help from the sidelines, does it really need to be that exact?" He asked, making Taehyun turn to him with a dark glare. "Yes, it does. What if something happens to him while we're fighting and he couldn't use his right hand for some ungodly reason?" He retorted, making all the other hybrids groan and facepalm. "Taehyun, don't you think you're being a bit too paranoid? What even is the likelyhood of that happening? 0.01 percent?" Yeonjun asked, just as exasperated as Soobin was.

By then, Jimin was internally thanking Yeonjun and Soobin. He was thankful that Taehyun agreed to help train him, but even he thought that Taehyun was just a bit too paranoid at times. Taehyun huffed. "Fine, he doesn't have to train with his left arm then." Soobin cheered with Yeonjun, high-fiving each other before smacking Taehyun on the back. "That's more like it! Take a break, Jimin. Sign some papers or something. We can always continue tomorrow."

Jimin nodded, sitting at his desk and signing the papers that were starting to pile up. Taehyun huffed again, this time louder. He sat on a chair beside Beomgyu and looked out at the view from outside Jimin's window. Jimin thought he heard Taehyun mumble something under his breath, but he didn't pay much attention and continued to sign his papers. He was pretty content with how much he improved, he just didn't know why Taehyun wasn't.

"If something happens, just know that I told you so."

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