Chapter 4

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Jimin woke up like it was any other day. His apartment was still freezing cold due to the climate and his alarm was just as annoying as always. This time it was different. He felt warmth. Not from his blanket but from his bunny hybrid, Jeon Jungkook. He was starting to believe the soulmate nonsense Jungkook babbled about a few days before.

He gently shook Jungkook awake before going to the kitchen to heat up his premade kimchi. In tough times, sometimes he didn't even have the money to buy actual food. He was lucky to have enough supplies to make just this small portion of kimchi. It turned out better than he originally thought due to the efforts of Jungkook.

Jungkook walked into the kitchen to see Jimin's baffled face as he stared into the fridge. Humming, he hugged Jimin from behind. "What's so surprising to you this early in the morning, Jimin?" He asked, pulling the smaller body closer to his own. "Did you make these granola bars?" Jimin asked curiously.

"Yeah, I did. You seemed to have granola and chocolate chips that you never had the chance to actually use, so I made some light granola bars as a snack for you to munch on at work." Jungkook replied, nuzzling into Jimin's shoulder as he continued to grip onto him.

"I actually bought these to make my own granola bars, but I never had the chance to actually learn how to make them. I guess I don't have to learn anymore." Jimin responded, staring at Jungkook mischieviously. Jungkook felt shivers down his spine from the look that Jimin gave him. It was obvious that his new job was to cook.

They ate their breakfast together while sharing a conversation. Before they knew it, this has already become a daily routine for the two of them. For the first time in a while, Jimin didn't feel stressed about his collapsing company. He didn't care that he wasn't as successful as the others. His stressed seemed to just vanish when he talked to Jungkook.

After an hour or so, Jimin packed his things and prepared for work. By the time he arrived, he saw that 5 different, successful hybrids were standing outside his company. Each of them were conversing with each other casually, as if they were all friends. Jimin didn't get his hopes too high, so he just opened the door to his company before walking in, turning on all the lights while he was at it.

One of the hybrids called after him, complaining loudly. "Hey! We've been waiting for you here for half an hour already! Can't you at least let us in with you?" Jimin turned around and recognized him as the beautiful snow leopard hybrid, Kim Seokjin. He opened his mouth to apologize, but got interrupted by another hybrid.

"Oh, don't be such a drama queen, Jin. We literally arrived five minutes ago. It just felt like half an hour to you because you're more impatient than me when I'm mad." Jimin looked at him and realized it was the famous cat hybrid, Min Yoongi. The rumors of him being on the grumpier side were actually true.

"Before you two start a argument, I just wanna tell you to shut up and just walk inside the damn company. I thought we were trying to create a good impression." Another hybrid spoke. Jimin turned his head again to be faced with a squirrel hybrid named Kim Namjoon. He was one of the most famous and smartest out of all squirrel hybrids. Despite Jin being a predator hybrid, Namjoon still looked more fierce than Jin. Maybe it was because of his towering height and his defined muscles.

"Please excuse Yoongi and Jin. As you can probably tell, they bicker a lot. They're actually really nice people, so don't take these first impressions of them too seriously. C'mon, let's discuss this inside the building." A hamster hybrid joined in, flashing Jimin with his smile and pearly white teeth. He was the famous Jung Hoseok. He was known to get along very well with Yoongi, maybe because they were known to both be energetic at night.

Jimin awkwardly opened the door and welcomed them inside. So far, he was very confused at why these famous, successful hybrids were gathered at the doorstep of his small company and appearing to offer a friendship with him. Still, he was willing to make a friendship with them as long as they treated him well.

On his way to the elevator, a dog hybrid started a conversation with him. "Hi, my name is Kim Taehyung! You can probably tell that I'm a dog hybrid. To be exact, a golden retriever dog hybrid. I'm business rivals with Yoongi, but we're still friends. Our friendship can be strained when one company does better than the other though..." Taehyung babbled, making Jimin giggle.

"Nice to meet you, Taehyung. I'm Park Jimin, the CEO of this small company. As you can tell, my company is dedicated to making products for all kinds of hybrids. I created this business because I was always interested in hybrids as a child and also had a creative mind. I figured that I could make and invent my own thing for hybrids of all kinds." Jimin explained, making all of the hybrids clap from being impressed, even Yoongi who was normally unbothered about everything.

They sat in the meeting room and discussed their plans. While Jin suggested to make a new hair scented hair product that were exclusive to bunnies, Yoongi suggested a new, natural scratching posts for cats. Namjoon suggested something that Jimin barely even managed to process due to not being an intellectual and Hoseok and Taehyung offered to make a ball that both hamsters and dogs could play with.

Jimin thought all of them were great ideas, but he wasn't sure how they would be produced. While they gave even more suggestions, Jimin noticed the way that a few of them looked at each other. The way Namjoon looked at Jin like he was the most beautiful being to ever exist. The way Yoongi looked at Hoseok like nothing else mattered. While he didn't know them very well, one thing he was an expert in was love.

Perhaps it was the tremendous amount of romance novels he's read in the past. Or maybe it was because of all the dramas his mother watched when he was younger. Some of them were something you wish would happen while others were realistic. Using the knowledge he got from reading realistic romance novels, he could tell that there was deeper feelings between a few of them despite them claiming to only be friends.

He couldn't deny that all the hybrids in the room looked amazing effortlessly, something he couldn't pull off. Hybrids naturally looked stunning. It didn't matter if they put effort into their looks or not, they'd still look breathtaking regardless.

Suddenly, he decided that he wanted to take the time to befriend and get to know all of them. Not because of their wealth and success or their looks. He didn't like materialistic ideals. He genuinely wanted to become friends with each of them because he found them intriguing.

They ended the meeting with many signed deals and exchanged numbers. All of them were satisfied with the result, but Jimin was by far the happiest out of all of them. He and his company finally had a chance to become something greater. Now that he had the chance and potential to grow his company, he promised himself to never let their efforts go to waste.

Jimin skipped home cheerfully to tell Jungkook the happy news. When he opened the door, he saw that Jungkook had already baked a cake for him, as if he already knew the results. Jimin didn't mind and celebrated with Jungkook that night, deepening their bond.

After they finished celebrating, Jimin went to bed first while Jungkook stayed up for a while longer. He called his friends and talked to them as quietly as he could. "Damn Jungkook, you really scored yourself a good soulmate. I hope you'll break the curse and have the happy ending you deserve. We know what you've gone through, Jungkook. We've been with you for many years. I hope to be good friends with Jimin in the future." Namjoon encouraged, making Jungkook more determined to prevent Jimin from dying.

"Thank you, I hope I'll manage to keep Jimin safe. I don't know him very well yet, but I can't imagine a life without him anymore. As a bunny hybrid, I doubt that I'll protect him very well, so please defend him for me if you have any bodyguards to spare. I'm always thankful for you, Namjoon." Jungkook replied cheerfully.

They all of them talked a bit longer before they decided to go to sleep. Obviously, Jin left first because he needed his beauty sleep. Hoseok stayed the longest because he was the most energetic, but he hung up when he heard how tired Jungkook sounded. Jungkook climbed into bed with Jimin shortly after and tucked the both of them in.

"I only hope it can remain this peaceful."

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