Chapter 32

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    Jungkook walked into the living room, out of breath and exhausted. After insulting Jinyoung, he ended up facing a severe punishment planned by the wolf hybrid. Yuta and Johnny looked at him with pity the entire time he carried out his punishment. Jinyoung had said that he was willing to help Jungkook build muscle. In other words, it basically meant that Jungkook was now Jinyoung's slave.

Jinyoung sipped his bottle of sprite while he watched Jungkook run five laps around the entire mansion. He smiled in satisfication at Jungkook's suffering. He knew that it would be cruel, but he knew that he had to train Jungkook the best he could. Jaebum and Jackson had contacted him the night before, informing him that Taeyong was already preparing to attack Jungkook.

Jinyoung knew that Jungkook would have no chance against Taeyong, considering that he was a prey hybrid and Taeyong was a predator hybrid. The only option he had was to train Jungkook as hard as he could, both physically and mentally. He had already asked Taehyun and Kai to help Jungkook learn how to use a gun. Now, he just had to carry out his plan by making Jungkook train as hard as he could without pushing him too hard.

Taeyong had a strong army of people, Jinyoung knew that for sure. Considering how powerful Taeyong was in the public eye, he could have millions of fans worldwide ready to attack Jungkook at any moment. Taeyong just had to blow the whistle, and they'll attack like an army of zombies. Jinyoung shivered at the thought of being ambushed by Taeyong's crazy fans. He didn't want Jungkook to face that kind of craziness.

Hours later, Jinyoung finally let Jungkook take a break. By then, Jungkook was exhausted and desperately needed a shower. Kai and Taehyun had taught him how to use a gun earlier that day. He still wasn't used to the sound of the gun when fired. He would flinch everytime he fired, which caused him to miss the target. Taehyun told him he wasn't allowed to use soundproof earmuffs to help him get used to the loud sound.

Jungkook didn't even know why he had to go through all this. He knew that Taeyong was coming after him, but he knew it was going to come when he had prepared everything, which is likely months later. Just as he was about to fall asleep on the couch, Jinyoung shook him awake. Groaning, he opened his eyes. "What the fuck do you want now?" He yelled, tired and frustrated. Jinyoung sat down beside him on the couch.

"I'm here to tell you why I'm working you to the bone. If you don't want to know, that's fine with me. It can be an unpleasant surprise for you." Jinyoung said to a half-asleep Jungkook. The bunny hybrid desperately wanted to sleep, but he decided to hear what Jinyoung had to say to him. "Go on." Jinyoung nodded and went ahead with the news. "Jaebum and Jackson contacted me last night saying that Taeyong had already started preparing his attack on you. It would've happened already if it wasn't for his fight with Johnny."

Hearing this, Jungkook snapped awake. "How long has he been doing this?" He asked urgently, shaking Jinyoung. "Assuming that he recovered around the same time Johnny did, he would've been doing this for around two weeks already. We're really behind, so I have no choice but to overwork you a bit." Jungkook sighed after hearing the news. He was starting to regret slacking off so much. He hoped that something would happen to Taeyong that delayed it a bit more so he could gather his materials.

Jungkook was beyond stressed. Just as his relationship with Jimin was starting to smooth out, he had to start training and gathering his people to defeat Taeyong. He didn't know if he could handle training all day and spending time with Jimin. He didn't even know if he had any time to spend with Jimin. He clenched his fist. Taeyong was not only ruining his relationship with each other, but also ruining his personal life and relationships.

He sighed, running his hands through his hair. "How fucking far are you going to go, Taeyong?" He yelled. He wanted to punch the wall, but he couldn't afford to be injured. He grabbed his phone and dialed Namjoon's number. "Hello?" Namjoon said on the other end. "Urgent news, Taeyong has already started preparing his army to take us down. Gather everyone. Get Seventeen, Twice and G-idle training. TXT has already started their training, now we need them too. They're our strongest line of defense."

"What?!" Namjoon yelled in disbelief on the other end of the phone. Jungkook only sighed in response. "Alright, I'm on it. I'll call you back when I got them training." Jungkook thanked Namjoon before hanging up, sighing again. He heard the front door opening and saw Jimin with Beomgyu, Soobin and Yeonjun following him. Jimin rushed to Jungkook's side, hugging him. Jungkook hugged back and sighed. "I had a horrible day today, but I hope yours was better than mine."

Jimin frowned at what Jungkook said. "What happened?" He asked, making Jungkook tense up. "I'm debating whether I should tell you or not. Beomgyu, Soobin and Yeonjun should know what's happening since Namjoon probably informed them already." Jimin's frown deepened at Jungkook's words. "C'mon, just tell me." He whined, causing Jungkook to sigh. "For one, I was working out all day. I just found out that Taeyong is launching an attack at us soon."

"What?!" Jimin yelled, causing Jungkook to sigh again. "This means that I'll be spending most of my time training to prepare for this attack. I'll only be able to talk to you late at night until this all blows over." Jungkook told Jimin, making the shorter male pout. "This timing really sucks. We just started getting closer too." He muttered quietly to himself, sighing as well. "I know, but we have no choice but to endure it. Who knows, maybe we'll even be stronger after this is over."

Jungkook's words made Jimin smile again. "I'm sure we'll be." He said, nuzzling into Jungkook's shoulder. They stayed like that for a while until Jungkook's stomach grumbled. "I forgot that I didn't eat lunch." Jimin laughed before going to the kitchen to make some food for Jungkook. When Jungkook came to help, he pushed him aside. "You must be exhausted. Just take a short nap on the couch. I can handle this on my own." He said, making Jungkook raise an eyebrow at him.

"Well, I'll trust that you won't burn down the kitchen then." Jimin laughed sarcastically before huffing, going back to making Jungkook's dinner. Jungkook chuckled softly before sitting back down on the couch, relaxing his sore body. Just like Jimin said, he really was exhausted. He couldn't imagine training this hard every single day until the attack. Just the thought of it made him shiver.

To him, this entire thing was just brutal. He hated that his relationship with Taeyong turned into something like this. He really did. He remembered being so close with Taeyong many years ago. He regretted losing contact with Taeyong. If he didn't, maybe Taeyong would still he the sweet, bubbly Taeyong he knew two thousand years ago. If he could turn back time, he wanted to stop everything. He just wanted to fix his relationship with Taeyong, but that wasn't an option anymore. Now, it was either Taeyong or Jimin, his soulmate.

Jungkook sighed again before switching to a more comfortable position. "Well, there's no point in thinking of that now. Might as well just defeat Taeyong and focus on my relationship with Jimin." He whispered to himself. He closed his eyes, sighing one last time. He felt a tear drip down his cheeks, but he wiped it away. He just wanted to focus on falling asleep, but his mind kept wandering to the same old question he's had for months. Instead, he wanted to think positive for once. Now, he had a hope. A hope that one day, Taeyong would return back to his old self.

"Taeyong, do you think everything would've been different if we still kept in contact years ago?"

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