Chapter 18

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    Jimin woke up in the library, naked and cold. After making Jungkook spill their ice cream, they unintentionally had sex in the library. They did it on a whim, and now Jimin was starting to regret it. For one, his entire body was sore and they ended up falling asleep on one of the couches covered with their sweaty clothes which didn't help much with his sore body.

He looked over his shoulder to see Jungkook sleeping peacefully. He scoffed. "Of course you would sleep peacefully, you weren't the one who had to take it up his ass!" He whispered to himself saltily. Out of all the places that were the sorest, he had to admit that it was either his ass or his waist that had it the worst. He knew that he would be limping for the next few days.

Of course, there were benefits. Although it left his ass sore after, Jimin felt pure ecstasy the night before. The fact that Jungkook was practically a god in bed didn't really help. He wanted to be the top, but how could he when he had basically zero experience in bed? Besides, he couldn't really complain when Jungkook's skills were god tier.

Jungkook slowly stirred awake, shivering when he realized that there was barely anything covering him. Since he was half-asleep, he rolled over while thinking he was still in bed. Jimin watched as he fell off the couch, landing on his left arm. He yelped, waking up immediately after the impact. Jimin just giggled from the sight, not noticing that Jungkook was also naked.

The hybrid rubbed his eyes and looked up at Jimin. After the human's laughter died down, he noticed that Jungkook was naked just like he was. He blushed, quickly looking away. Jungkook grabbed one of the shirts scattered on the couch and tied it around his waist. He grabbed another one and handed it to Jimin, telling him to do the same.

After they both had shirts tied around their waists, they walked back to their room and put the clothes in the laundry basket before taking a shower. Jimin was too shy to get in the shower with Jungkook, so he let the hybrid go first. While Jungkook took a shower, the thoughts of the night before flashed in Jimin's head. It was his first time, and it was amazing because of Jungkook.

After Jungkook came out of the shower, Jimin rushed inside, not being brave enough to look at Jungkook's body. He turned the tap on, wincing when the cold water hit his skin. He shied away from the cold water and used his hand to determine how warm the water was. When he thought it was warm enough, he got back under the water.

Jimin just stood there in the shower for a while, letting the warm water hit his body and dampen his hair. He had no idea how to face Jungkook after what he thought was a night of meaningless sex. It was confusing, because now his body and mind craved for Jungkook more even though he doesn't have any feelings for him. He would go along with his instincts, but he feels too guilty to use Jungkook.

He wanted to go back to the time where there wasn't any awkward tension between the two. Looking at Yuta and Sicheng, he thought they were the perfect couple. Yuta always had Sicheng's back, and Sicheng always had Yuta's back. Plus, they were very affectionate and they didn't mind showing a lot of PDA in public. Jimin didn't know if he and Jungkook would ever become that kind of flawless couple.

Sighing, Jimin grabbed one of the bars of soap and started scrubbing his body. Thinking in the shower isn't going to relieve his stress and it certainly isn't helping the environment. He might as well just wash off all the dried sweat off his body. In the middle of Jimin scrubbing his hair, his stomach growled loudly. "I guess that's a sign that I should hurry up and finish this shower." He whispered to himself, rinsing off his hair.

After getting out of the shower and drying off his hair, he grabbed a casual hoodie and black jeans, throwing them on. His hair was still a mess, but he didn't feel bothered enough to comb it or anything. It's not like he was going to join some kind of luxurious party, so he didn't feel the need to look good. He walked downstairs and saw that Taehyun and Jungkook were making breakfast together.

His eyes darted around the room and saw that Jinyoung still hasn't left yet. It didn't surprise him since Jinyoung had said on many occasions that he didn't want to leave Sicheng alone just yet. Jimin didn't see the point of Jinyoung staying only to see Taehyun and Yuta give Sicheng love and attention all day. It was actually kind of disgustingly cute, seeing Yuta shower Sicheng with kisses almost constantly.

Jimin cringed as he entered the living room only to see another one of Yuta's 'shower Sicheng with love' moments. He ignored them and waited for Jungkook and Taehyun to finish making food. After the two hybrids were done, they each held two plates in their hand and placed it on the table. Jimin didn't complain and went to the kitchen to get a bowl of rice and chopsticks.

Yuta went and did the same, grabbing two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks for him and Sicheng. He came back and gave Sicheng his signature heart eyes. Jimin cringed harder, but hid it by stuffing his face full of food. He admittedly thought that Jungkook was an amazing cook. Although Jungkook would never admit it, Jimin still thought that his cooking stills were top tier.

Jimin was slightly jealous of Yuta and Sicheng's relationship, although he'd never admit it. He didn't have any feelings for Jungkook, but he occasionally wished that they were as close as Yuta and Sicheng were. Noticing Jimin eyeing him, Yuta playfully glared at the human. "Stop being jealous of our Yuwin relationship!" He whined, pulling Sicheng closer.

"What's a Yuwin?" Jimin asked curiously, genuinely not knowing what a Yuwin was. "Well, Sicheng actually originally came here to participate in a kpop group called CCT. His stage name was supposed to be WinWin, but he left before debut. It's a mix of my name and his stage name." Yuta explained. "Oh, I see." Jimin said.

Jinyoung sat beside Jimin, making Yuta's smile falter slightly. Jimin noticed, but he didn't say anything. He placed his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "You and Jungkook sure had a lot of fun last night, didn't you?" He asked, causing Jimin to blush. "We could hear you all the way down here, and it went on for quite a long time. How did it feel? Was Jungkook good at it?" He continued, asking him teasing questions.

Jimin stuffed his mouth full of food in an attempt to avoid his questions. He noticed that now Yuta was eyeing him with a teasing look. "You know, you're a lot louder than Sicheng is. You should keep the volume down next time." He said, winking at Jimin. Both Jimin and Sicheng flushed at what Yuta said, hiding their faces and furiously stuffing their mouths full of food. "You didn't answer my question yet. Was it good?" Jimin gulped before he answered.

"It was amazing."

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