Chapter 20

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    After the four of them were completely soaked from playing in the pool for over two hours, they got up and each took a shower. After they finished taking their shower, they went downstairs and started making dinner. Once dinner was ready, Jimin went to call the five young hybrids in the gym to eat.

He entered the gym and was met with the overwhelming scent of sweat. He scrunched his nose and looked at the five boys who were still working out. "I admire your motivation, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a shower before meeting me downstairs to eat dinner." The five boys nodded at him and drank some water from their water bottle before gathering their stuff and leaving the gym.

Jimin doubted that he would ever have the energy to work out for as long as those five boys did. He wondered if they even ate lunch. He shook his head in disapproval at the thought of them skipping lunch. He went downstairs and started eating his dinner with everyone else. He noticed that Jungkook was a lot touchier than usual, but he didn't mind.

After dinner, all of them watched a movie together. It was chosen by Sicheng, and it turned out to be an anime movie by the name of Kimi No Na Wa. The entire time, Jimin thought that Yuta must've enjoyed the entire thing without having to read the subs. Despite the subs, he thought that the movie was very good and even cried at one point. Yuta didn't cry at all and even seemed to know what would happen.

Once the movie was over, they put away the snacks they prepared and got ready to sleep. Before they did, Jimin decided to ask Yuta a question. "How did you know what would happen?" He asked, making Yuta shoot him a look that Jimin didn't understand. "That movie was released 5 years ago, just a bit before Taeyong created his cult. I watched it the moment it was released. Sicheng chose it because I told him a bit about it and he wanted to watch it himself."

"Oh, I see." Jimin said, making Yuta chuckle lightly. "No, you hear." Jimin facepalmed at the extremely bad joke Yuta made. He couldn't even laugh. "Please never try to crack a joke ever again. You don't do them justice." He pleaded, making Yuta roll his eyes. Yuta went in the kitchen and grabbed a salt shaker, making Jimin shudder. "Why, you salty?" He said, shaking the salt.

After a bunch of bad puns from Yuta, Jimin went upstairs and climbed in bed with Jungkook. That night, he had a nightmare where Yuta was chasing him with a long list of all his bad puns. He was awoken in the middle of the night after Jungkook shook him awake and told him that he was supposedly screaming "I don't want to hear your puns anymore!"

Jimin told Jungkook about his silly nightmare which made Jungkook wheeze from laughing too hard. "You had a nightmare about Yuta's puns?" He laughed. Jimin nodded and shuddered. "I have to tell him about this once it's morning." He laughed again, making Jimin huff and pout. Jimin rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, ignoring Jungkook's laughs.

Jungkook's laughter eventually died down and he lied back down to sleep with Jimin. Jimin somehow managed to fall back asleep, this time not having Yuta chase him with a giant list of his bad puns. Jungkook, on the other hand had a bit more trouble falling asleep because he kept imagining Yuta chasing Jimin with a long list of puns, which made him chuckle.

The next morning, they all had their usual morning routine. After Jimin left for work with Soobin, Yeonjun and Beomgyu, Jungkook noticed a that he got a message from an unknown number. "I will definitely crush you once I get strong enough, Jeon Jungkook." He read, making him shiver. He wondered who would hate him that much to actually send such a message.

Thinking for a while, he assumed that it was Taeyong. He figured it was because he helped Yuta and Sicheng escape. He shrugged and messaged Namjoon, telling him and the others to be on guard for a while. He knew that he would probably regret taking the message lightly later on, but he didn't mind. He just wanted to relax using the remaining time he had.

Jungkook went to the gym and watched Kai and Taehyun work out. Despite them being younger, their abs and other muscles were definitely deeper than his. It hurt his pride a little, but he definitely didn't let it show. Just in case Taeyong was being serious, which he most likely was, he wanted to prepare for it.

He tapped Taehyun on the shoulder, catching the younger hybrid's attention. "Is there something up?" Kai disliked how serious Taehyun was and decided to lighten up the mood. "Wassup?" Taehyun rolled his eyes at Kai and turned back to Jungkook. "What kind of weapons do you know how to use?"

Both of their eyes widened at the question. "We both know how to use a lot of weapons. Why are you asking?" Jungkook thought for a moment. He wondered if he should tell the two about the text message he recieved. In the end, he decided to since the two boys were part of the team that protected him. "I got a text message from an unknown number saying that they'll crush me once I was strong enough. I don't know what that really means since it's not specific enough, but it sounds bad enough."

Both of their eyes widened even more at Jungkook's explanation. "Well, we know how to use guns, swords, blades, bows, small pocket knives and tasers. We even know martial arts too. Specifically taekwondo." Taehyun told Jungkook, causing the older to nod while processing the information. "Damn, you guys must've trained really hard to be able to master all of them.

Taehyun chuckled nervously at what Jungkook said. "Well, we haven't used swords or blades in a while, so we might be a bit rusty with that. We don't use small pocket knives very often either." Jungkook realized how uncommon blades and swords were these days. They were everywhere just two centuries ago, but they've become uncommon ever since the gun was invented.

"I'll tell Namjoon to order some guns and bows. You guys can choose what to use. It's best to use both though." Jungkook informed, causing the two of them to nod in understanding. "Can I not use a bow? My skills with a bow and arrow are pretty bad compared to the others." Kai asked, looking at Jungkook with his puppy eyes. Taehyun silently gagged.

"That's fine, you can just have an extra gun with you then." Jungkook said, making Kai cheer. "If possible, train just a bit harder from now on just in case we actually get attacked. Of course, make sure you two don't strain yourself, you're still young and we can't afford to have you two down compared to someone older." Jungkook ordered before leaving. He quietly whispered under his breath after he left the gym.

"Just what are you planning, Taeyong?"

The Prophecy Of The Immortal HybridOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora