Chapter 45

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Jungkook placed his hand over his gun as Taeyong got closer to his mansion. He didn't have a clue of how many people they had on their side, but he hoped that he had enough people to fight against them. As Taeyong got closer, he could see the amount of people Taeyong had on his side from the distance. From the looks of it, it looked as if he had two times more people he did. It made him stress and wonder how he would get through it.

Taeyong and his army arrived quickly, breaking down the gate that stood between Jungkook and Taeyong. Jungkook immediately sprung into action with Jackson and Jaebum following behind him. Jungkook bit onto their necks, wincing when he tasted blood. Still, he pulled out his sword and stabbed them in the stomach. Jackson and Jaebum did the same, having their predator claws help them. They were extracted and ready to attack.

Soon, Jungkook was surrounded by people around him. He tried his best to fight his way out but it wasn't working because they would either dodge or block his attacks. Suddenly, something pierced the back of one of the soldiers he was fighting, making him collapse. He looked at his back to see a small dart. He didn't dare touch it as it looked suspicious, but he thanked whoever threw it. Kai and Taehyun soon arrived to help him, pulling out their guns and shooting the people that surrounded Jungkook.

Jungkook lost track of how many people he killed, just focusing on getting to Taeyong as fast as he could. He was slowly getting used to the disgusting stench of blood, and was no longer feeling queasy because of it. Jungkook got surrounded on many occasions, but the person who threw those darts had always helped him get out of it. Just as he was starting to get the hang of it, he was kicked in the stomach by someone and was thrown against the wall, spitting out blood.

He looked up to see a lynx hybrid smirking at him, claws extended. Just as he was about to attack Jungkook, Taehyun used his sword to slash a big, nasty cut on the lynx hybrid's back. The lynx hybrid screamed out in pain before he dropped to the ground. Just as he was about to get up, Taehyun stabbed him on the right shoulder and used his taser to tase him. Blood gushed from his wound but Taehyun paid no mind to it and helped Jungkook get up.

Jungkook dusted himself off before grabbing his bloody sword, gripping onto it tightly. "Can you continue on your own?" Taehyun asked, making Jungkook nod in response. Taehyun nodded back and went to help Kai, who was struggling against three men. Jungkook continued his way through the army, trying to be as efficient as he could. His taser was running out of battery and his sword was going to break any moment now. He was glad that he still hasn't used up any bullets yet.

Just as he thought it was over, another wave of people rushed towards them. Jungkook huffed before continuing his fight against Taeyong's army. He knew that Taeyong wanted to exhaust him so that being killed by him would be easier, but he didn't have a choice but to push forward. Jungkook didn't know how long it's been since they started this fight. He was drenched in blood and sweat from head to toe.

Jungkook noticed that most of the people he was fighting against was human. That was something he was glad about because it made the process much easier. He couldn't imagine having to fight against hundreds of hybrids, especially predator hybrids. They would rip him to shreds before he could even protest. Fighting against humans were easier because they were signifigantly weaker. Even though he was a prey hybrid, his strength and speed was still higher than an average human.

He fought recklessly, falling into a trap which ended in multiple guns being pointed at him. Jungkook gritted his teeth, gripping onto his sword harder, ready to fight his way through all the humans. Before he could, he saw multiple darts being thrown his way. Just as he was about to duck, he realized that the darts were aimed towards the humans who were surrounding him. Jungkook looked at the roof since the darts seemed to be coming from there. He didn't see anyone which made him shrug and continue his fight.

Meanwhile, Jimin looked at all the remaining darts he had. He counted them, careful not to touch the blade. He only had thirty darts left after helping everyone against Taeyong's army. He had to use them wisely, saving the sharper ones. After all, even touching the skin of someone was enough to activate the venom. He saw many people die due to the venom, making him feel guilty. Still, he shook it off and continued to throw them when he saw that someone on his side was being surrounded.

Jimin tried to stay hidden as well as he could on top of the roof, as instructed by Taehyun. Until most of the people on Taeyong's side was gone, he wasn't allowed to show himself. It was hard since his legs were aching to be stretched from crouching for so long. Still, he chose to listen to Taehyun because he knew that it would be safer for him. Jungkook was already trying his best to prevent him from dying like he did in his dream. He didn't want to make the burden larger.

After being exposed to all the bloodshed, he was slowly getting used to it. The stench wasn't as bad on the roof, but Jimin could still smell it due to the amount of blood spilled. Jimin wondered if his neighbors were watching them from the windows. Before he could think about it, he saw Taehyun get surrounded by a group of humans. He grabbed three of the dullest darts he had and threw them, landing on the three out of five of the humans perfectly. He saw Taehyun smirk before attacking the remaining two humans who were still standing.

"Once those darts touch your skin, it's the end for you." Taehyun said quietly before running off to help Yeonjun and Soobin who were being surrounded by a group of seven humans. Taehyun put his sword away and extended his claws, scratching the humans on their backs. He pulled out his sword again and stabbed them in the stomach, twisting it to make sure they were dead. Yeonjun and Soobin thanked them internally before doing the same, using quick, swift moves to take them down.

When they were finished, they breathed out a sigh of relief before looking around to see if anyone else needed help. Luckily, they spotted Kai and Beomgyu trying to fight against six humans. Kai had a wound in his left shoulder which was bleeding heavily. Taehyun rushed to Kai's side, using his claws and sword to stab the humans. Yeonjun and Soobin followed, doing the same thing. Taehyun ripped a large piece of cloth from his shirt and wrapped it tightly around Kai's wound, trying to lessen the bleeding. "You should be alright for now." He said before rushing off to help Jaebum and Jackson.

Taeyong's army was almost demolished and there were only four hybrids left. Taehyun and Yeonjun surrounded them with the others while Jungkook was in the front. Taeyong stood behind the four hybrids, smirking. Jimin quickly got down from the ladder to join them in the last fight. Beside Taeyong was a skinny human male with handsome, chiseled features. Taeyong took a step closer to Jungkook.

"Congratulations on making it this far. You even defeated one of my best warriors, but can you defeat four?"

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